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THE 2ND SEMESTER STARTED, and everyone went back to their regular lives as if it changed in the first place

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THE 2ND SEMESTER STARTED, and everyone went back to their regular lives as if it changed in the first place. Vicki and I share our days together like we're some kind of old married couple. Since we're both English Majors, all our subjects are the same, while Justin and Arthur are forced to join the students in their respective majors, which had been a little difficult because Art is an extreme introvert while Justin is too much of a fuck boy.

Another thing is I ended up joining the IE (Institute of Education) Student Council through pure coincidence. Jesse, the council secretary, was visiting classrooms and asking the freshman students to join as trainees for the council. I didn't really want to involve myself in politics, but Jesse saw me during her visit to our class and signed me up against my will.

Now I'm in a meeting with the council members, having an imposter syndrome because I feel like I don't look like a student leader like the others are.

"Thanks, everyone, and see you at our next meeting," one of the members stated, instantly making everyone stand from their seats to leave the room.

While I was putting my things inside my bag, two other trainees standing beside me started talking about a particular student who I had not heard of in quite some time now.

"Have you seen President Aries's post last night? He's so lucky to be having his internship in a different country. That's such a great experience," one of the girls said, instantly making me eavesdrop on them.

"Hey, it's ex-president now."

"I know, but he's still a student here, right? I heard he's attending his other classes online. Maybe I should do that too when I become a senior," the girl explained.

"But I can't believe he's gay," the guy she was talking with suddenly opened up, making me stop myself from putting my things inside my bag. "Everyone went crazy over that post he made. It was such shocking news that people were basically checking everyone's hands to see if but matched with the photo."

"Do you think he went to the States to hide? I guess if it were me, I'd run away too, considering how others expected something different from me. I don't want to disappoint them, after all," The female trainee then shared, immediately making me slam my backpack on the table, startling both of them.

"Sorry, my books are kinda heavy," I lied before zipping my bag shut.

When the two of them realized that I was actually with them, the girl walked towards me and suddenly asked, "Oh yeah, Adlawan, you're Aries's senior partner, right? Have you always known that he had a boyfriend?"

"Ex-senior partner," the other guy corrected again. I almost lashed out at them and told them that this wasn't any of their business, but I ended up just smiling at them and shaking my head in reply.

"I heard you were offered to choose another senior partner, but you refused. Is that true?" The girl then asked me next, but instead of answering, I just wore my backpack and continued to smile at them. Now I know why Aries likes to smile a lot in front of other people. It's way easier than arguing.

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