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M Y  F O R E V E R

MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF the weather that day, or maybe because it was my first day as a public school teacher, but I clearly remember how I was sweating all over, my chest tight as if I was minutes away from fainting

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MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF the weather that day, or maybe because it was my first day as a public school teacher, but I clearly remember how I was sweating all over, my chest tight as if I was minutes away from fainting.

I had just graduated from college a couple of months ago and passed the licensure exam as a top notcher. They say you experienced a lot during those years, and fortunately for me, they were right. I met a group of people I can confidently call my friends. I was able to join the council and became a huge help to my classmates and everyone else in my department. And what I thought would be a quiet four years experience became a fun and memorable one instead, probably way too fun for my own good.

Long story short, I felt like I belonged.

But the image I built for myself became too much for me to bare. Most of the time, I pretended like I cared about things that didn't even interest me just so I could get along with everyone. I smiled and nodded my head to everything, and I became what everyone called a people pleaser.

Well, until I met Domingo M. Adlawan, a handsome extrovert and overly confident freshman who wasn't afraid to speak his mind and face every problem that got in his way.

I met him during their freshmen orientation by complete chance. He arrived late, and since we're members of the council, we were tasked to wait outside to hand everyone their ribbons.

The program had already started, and while I was checking the attendance sheet, I saw Jesse talking to this freshman who happened to be Domingo, or what he refers to himself, Dom.

Dom wasn't even wearing his uniform at that time, which I assume was because he wasn't able to buy one yet. He looked nervous too, but also excited. I approached him with no other thought in mind besides giving him his ribbon so he could join the others. After that, I carried on with my duties as president.

After the orientation, all the seniors present in the event got ready for the activity that would determine their freshman partner for the entire school year. Since I was a council president, I was only required to handle one student. I wasn't really expecting much at that time. I was excited to help my partner out, of course, but I didn't really care who it would be.

Well, I didn't care...before I found out that the student I got partnered with was the handsome and charismatic Domingo.

He was my new number 22. And I swore to myself that I would be the best partner he'll ever have and be a reliable friend he could run to if ever he was in need, just like how my previous partner was with me.

Of course, I was still cautious. I was used to handsome guys like him. He was tall, friendly, and an obvious favorite among his female classmates. I knew his type like the back of my head. But as always, I didn't think much of it.

Which was an obvious mistake.

He was only supposed to be my freshman partner, but this man...this charming man...wouldn't stop gazing in my direction. He stared at me like he wanted something from me. He acted like I wouldn't be able to notice, but I could tell him looking from a mile away. There was no way I wouldn't know.

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