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Hello and welcome to the fourth chapter of The Boy from the Sea!




Kirishima's POV:

Me: Let me get this straight. You brainwashed Izuku, because you wanted to keep me safe?

Shinso: Correct.

Me: Stay here, I'm going to need to collect myself.

His eyes widen, showing the most emotion he's probably capable of. We both know this is serious, because I never need time to "collect myself." He nods, and I open the door to leave.

Me: One moment...

I close the door and walk stiffly to Todoroki's quarters, and slowly knock on the door four times. Hopefully, he understands my urgency, since I don't usually knock four times.

(A/N: Here's a quick explanation of Todoroki and Kirishima's door code:

1 knock= Kirishima needs advice, or someone to talk to.

2 knocks= An event is underway, and Kirishima needs assistance/ accompaniment.

3 knocks= Kirishima needs help finding an answer to something.

4 knocks= Kirishima is requesting accompaniment immediately, or there is some kind of emergency.

Todoroki always knows Kirishima is the one knocking, because no one else is allowed to disturb him.

That's all, hope it's not too confusing!)

Immediately, Todoroki opens his door, looking at me.

Todoroki: You look tense... Lower Level 2C?

Me: Lower Level 2C.

He nods, and we silently walk down a corridor, Todoroki stopping at a door as I continue walking. After a moment, Todoroki catches up along with Neito Monoma, as we turn left into deep stairwell, going down single file. When we arrive at 2C, I walk to one side of the room and Monoma goes to the other, and Todoroki pulls out a stopwatch. I nod at Monoma, and he hardens himself, copying my Quirk. I take a deep breath and charge, screaming at the top of my lungs. 

I keep my Quirk deactivated at I punch Monoma repeatedly. Before long, I start ranting.


I have a go at Monoma for another few minutes, until a timer goes off and I stop. Monoma's Quirk cooldown takes effect, and I look at him, panting.

Me: I didn't hurt you, did I?

Monoma shakes his head.

Me: Good. Thank you.

Monoma: Of course. Glad I could help.

He leaves, and Todoroki leads me out of the room and into the one next to it, helping me sit on the ground. He goes over to a closet and pulls out a pile of pillows and blankets, wordlessly building a sort of nest around me. I know it's weird, but even I need to be surrounded by fluffy pillows sometimes. What can I say, it's comfy.

After Todoroki finishes, he sits in the middle of the nest facing across from me.

Todoroki: I'm assuming this has something to do with Shinso. I haven't seen you this mad in a while.

I nod.

Me: *Sigh* Yeah... Izuku acted weird around him even though he couldn't explain why, so I thought I'd talk to him just in case. Turns out, he used his Quirk on Izuku to "Protect me" somehow. I was going to ask him what he did, but I needed to calm down first. I know Shinso is Mina's (A/N: Adopted) brother and wants to keep her betrothed safe, but did he really need to go this far?

Todoroki: Hmm...

Me: What?

Todoroki: Sounds like Shinso is jealous.

I feel a blush creep up my features, for some odd reason.

Me: What did you say!?

Todoroki: Well, think about it. We both know Shinso's bisexual and has been looking for a partner. He probably saw Izuku at some point and thought he looked good or something. That would automatically mean that he wouldn't want anyone to get close to him. Maybe this is a precaution he's taken. And it would be easy cover up, saying he wants to protect you since you are betrothed to Princess Mina.

I hope that's not it. That would be weird...

Me: You and your weird theories. I guess we'll know for sure when I go ask him what he did. Speaking of which, I'm going to go do that now.

Todoroki: You go. I'll clean up here.

I nod and make my way back up to the room I left Shinso in. I open the door and see that he's still there in the exact same spot he was when I left.

He definitely took me seriously when I told him not to move... I must've looked really scary.

Me: Okay... Shinso. Please tell me what you told Izuku when you brainwashed him.

Shinso: I asked him questions to see if he really had amnesia, and all he knew was his name, and another name. Toru, I think he said.

At least that checks out.

Shinso: I also... Kinda... Made him emotionless...

Me: ... What?

Shinso: Well, I figured that the best way to prevent him from harming you was to remove his emotions, so he wouldn't do anything selfish or violent.


Shinso: Don't jump to conclusions just yet, Prince Kirishima. I told him he would go with the flow of whatever is asked of him, but he can still have his own small opinions. And the emotionless thing can be reversed if a certain requirement is met.

Me: What's the requirement?

Shinso: I can't tell you. Unspoken rule, if you want a requirement that has been set to work, you can't tell anyone. I also had him forget the entire conversation and not realize that he hasn't always been emotionless.

Me: That's all?

Shinso: Yes.

Me: You may go.

Shinso exits, and I think things over.

Even though I don't want to admit it... I'm kind of glad he questioned Izuku. Now at least I know he isn't faking his amnesia. I'm also glad that he doesn't understand he's emotionless. It would be really hard for him... Well eventually. I guess he wouldn't be able to feel frustrated. This is going to be hard. I don't think I'm going to punish Shinso, since he did seem like he really wanted to protect me. But what about what Todoroki said? Shinso didn't exactly say anything that pointed to him denying it... But now I have two goals. I need to figure out where Izuku came from and possibly help him regain his memories. But this new goal will be top priority.

I need to figure out how to give Izuku his emotions back.


Hello! Thank you for reading the fourth chapter. This story is open to constructive criticism, so let me know if you have any questions or feedback!

It is raining outside right now (With thunder), and it sounds so nice. Am so happyyyyyyy

Words: 1093

Have an outstanding day!

:) :) :)

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