Chapter 2

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What had he been thinking? God he was stupid.

Harry closed his eyes as he thrust his head against his pillow. He had wasted no time drawing closed every curtain around his bed, not to mention all the others in the dormitory. Though he didn't know why he bothered, it was far too late for privacy now. What was he hoping to achieve? Would surrounding himself in tapestry erase the events of only moments ago?

Of course it wouldn't. He was being ridiculous. That wasn't even the worst part, in a few minutes he would have to go to dinner and no doubt Snape would be there.

Oh the humanity.

Yet that still wasn't the worst of it. He would have to endure a one on one detention session with the man.

Oh hell.

How he hated his life right now. He didn't even have his friends here to confide in, not that he would confide something as hideous as this to them anyway, so really it made no difference.

He could avoid dinner, after all, he wasn't very hungry after that session of humiliation. But that would be pointless knowing he would have to then face the man later on anyway.

God life sucked sometimes.

If only there was a way to reverse time and avoid getting himself into that predicament in the first place.

But how?

There was always Hermione's time turner, but she was no doubt wearing it somewhere in the muggle world at that very moment. Even in the off chance she wasn't he wasn't about to rifle through her things in a vain attempt to find it.

Harry clenched his teeth as his mind raced to find some kind of other viable solution.

Perhaps there was a spell to make Snape permanently forget the last 24 hours.


That would be perfect.

But how was he supposed to find one?

The library?

There was no way in hell he was going back there again, but then what was he supposed to do?

The young wizard took a deep breath. Maybe he should just ask Dumbledore. But then the Headmaster would no doubt want to know his motivation.


God his life was a train wreck right now.

That left him with one choice as his heart began to fill with dread. He would just have to brave the library while everyone was at dinner.


Harry felt as though he were on some kind of assassin mission, except there was no target to kill, only to avoid as he tiptoed around the castle.

A maze and an eternity later, he had finally reached his destination. It was as eerily quiet as it had been earlier, much to his relief as he headed straight for the spell section. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had to be.

Harry's eyes trailed over the row of books on offer, his heart pounding in his chest as he resisted the urge to glance over at the spot.

That spot.

The spot that signified the beginning of his crucifixion.

God he hated himself right now.

"Mr Potter." A cold drawl greeted his ears from somewhere behind him, where exactly, he didn't want to know as he resisted his reflex to flinch.

Oh fuck.

"What might you still be doing in the library?" Snape queried, yet something in the tone of his voice suggested that he already knew the answer.

"I haven't been here this whole time." Harry corrected, though he might as well have been.

Damn it.

That's it. The library is definitely to be added to his list of places to avoid.

"Did you not finish the first time?" Snape sneered, not bothering to mask the amusement in his voice.

Harry didn't have look up to know the man had a smirk as wide as the nile on his face.

Don't say anything.

Don't say anything.

Harry sunk his teeth into the inside of his cheek, as though doing so would somehow suppress his instinct to bite back. Perhaps he had bit down too hard as the metallic taste that could only be blood began to invade his mouth.

"It's pretty hard when your interrupted." He muttered, hoping in vain that the man somehow hadn't heard his retort.

Damn it.

"You could always try doing somewhere where you wouldn't be interrupted Mr Potter."

"Capital idea Professor, now if you wouldn't mind, I have research to conduct."

Harry turned on his heel, returning to his original position of standing in front of an shelf oozing with books. He stood there, though his eyes were far from studying the selection before him. Instead, he peered out the corner of them, waiting for the Professor to finally heed his words and leave.

It felt as though an eternity had passed and yet the older wizard still remained there, unwavering. Harry closed his eyes inhaling deeply, before forcing the air from his lungs. He made no effort to hide his frustration as he prayed for solitude at the opening of his eyes.

Though he expected the exact opposite.

And the opposite is exactly what he got as he suddenly felt hot, wet breath against his ear.

"If you are looking for short term memory removal spells, you should know that you are wasting your time, no such spell exists." Snape drawled, making no effort to disguise the delight in his eyes.

"Why would I want that?" Harry sighed, practicing his best impression of pretending not to care, though he suspected he was failing miserably. Knowing Snape, he was sure to let him know of his short comings.

"It is what I would think to do if I had the misfortune of being caught in your position, of course that would never happen, as I am not so reckless, idiotic and depraved."

"Okay, I get your point."

"Well then, the next thing you would attempt would no doubt be the use of a time turner."

How did he know that? Was he reading his mind? Surely not. If he was then he would know about all of his problems, including the one that wouldn't go away between his legs.

No way. Harry's eyes widened in desperation, as though the gesture would somehow miraculously vanquish himself of his cesspool of problems.

No. He was being ridiculous. Maybe turning to the use of a time turner was just the natural progression of finding a solution.


That had to be it.

"It's too bad the Ministry only allows their use under the very strictest of circumstances."

What was Snape trying to achieve? Intimidation? Further humiliation? And why was he standing so close? His lips were only mere inches from Harry's.

The thought sent a shudder down Harry's spine as he resisted the urge to shove the man away.

"You would have to stand before a committee of no less than a hundred and justify to them exactly why it is you require the use of one."

Harry gritted his teeth as his mind instinctively searched for another viable solution. Except there wasn't one. Was he doomed to accept his fate?

"I don't believe that getting caught wanking in the library by your professor would count as a good enough reason." Snape did well to hide the amusement in his voice, yet still not well enough as Harry froze, the intrusion of the memory consuming his mind.

"You had best get down to the grand hall, your dinner is getting cold." The warm breath had vanished from Harry's neck as a sense of finality echoed through the professor's words.

As quickly as the man had arrived, he was gone. 

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