Chapter 4

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Harry's ice cream had long melted into a pool of murky dark green soup.

"Mr Potter, your detention starts in an hour." Snape stated, not bothering to disguise the delight flashing through his eyes as he rose from his seat.


Just great.


"Come in Mr Potter." Snape began, not bothering to turn and face his next victim as he poured an extract of Hazelwood into a glass vial with a careful methodology that could only belong to the snarling professor.

Harry stood in the doorway, feeling as though he were facing his death sentence.

How did Snape even know he was there?

Did he have eyes in the back of his head?

What would Snape make him do?

Scrub burnt, potion encrusted cauldrons?

Harry seeped into the classroom, each step more tenuous than the last as he made no effort to disguise his hesitancy.

"You are going to be disposing of expired potion ingredients in my personal store cupboard." Snape stated, finally turning to face the younger wizard.

Harry sighed with relief, after all, that didn't sound so bad.

"Without magic." Snape drawled slowly, as though dragging out a sense of joy only he could perceive to make it last longer.

O wonderful.

Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes, of course Snape would love to see him in such an undignified position.


Harry stood within the confines of the store cupboard, its shelves oozing with bottles of all shapes and sizes.

Where was he to start?

Harry forced the air from his lungs as his eyes searched the shelves as if doing so would somehow offer him the answer he was searching for.

Harry closed his eyes, only then becoming aware of his old problem.

Why was he still having this problem?

And why now?

Nothing about this place excited him, it was boring, not to mention nothing good in his life had ever happened here or anywhere near this district of the castle for that matter.

Only trauma.

Harry hung his head as a shudder ran through his spine.

A tautness around his groin began to consume his mind, a sensation reminiscent of the library. A sensation to cloud all judgement and allow him to forget his surroundings, his problems, his world, as the pulsating in his groin demanded his complete attention.

He was an idiot even consider doing what he was about to do. Yet he also knew it was inevitable.

However this ended could never possibly be good.

Yet, even as the young wizard thought this, he felt his fingers slipping down below his belt, travelling further south until he found the treasure he so fervently sought.

He'd come this far, what was a little further?

He consoled himself as he tightened his fingers around himself, drawing himself closer to the edge.

What was wrong with him?

God he hated himself right now as he crossed the edge, his mind, body, soul, all consumed by waves of unrelentingly pleasure.


Harry was finally finished as he disposed of the final jar of rotten licorice root. He held his breath as he resisted the urge to dry wretch.

He stepped free of the cupboards suffocating confinement, feeling as though he had just escaped from prison. But it wasn't over yet as he traced through the hallway back towards the last person he wished to see.

"Mr Potter,"

Harry stood before Snape, he was so close to escaping as the Professor's voice suddenly bound him like a ball and chain around his ankle.

So close, yet so far.

Harry closed his eyes, as though doing so would somehow allow him to escape his reality, however brief that moment may be.

"It appears my detention has taught you nothing." Snape's lips remained stoic, a trait that never failed to irritate Harry as he attempted to prepare himself for whatever storm was coming.

The younger wizard gazed up at the man, his eyes locking with the dark orbs, as though hoping to discover his fate before it was delivered. He opened his mouth to speak, yet he felt as though his throat were constricted. He felt as though his body was betraying him in to silence.

A silence that only meant submission.

No part of him wanted to submit to Snape as he wrestled with himself, as though struggling to swim to the surface before he suffocated. Except it wasn't his life on the line, it was his pride.

"Did you really think I would leave you in my personal store unattended?" Snape clarified, not bothering to wait for a verbal response from the boy as a nervous curiosity pooled in the younger wizard's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Harry stuttered as his heart began to pound in his chest.

"I think you know what I mean Mr Potter." Snape drawled as he tapped the tip of his wand on a nearby crystal ball.

Harry tilted his head in confusion as he attempted to figure out what exactly it was that the professor was getting at.

The more Harry store at the glass orb, the more his heart began to sink. He felt as though he were watching CCTV footage, the location was all too familiar.


Surely Snape was bluffing, he hadn't really been watching him, had he?

Who was he kidding?

Of course Snape had been watching him.

It was probably his whole purpose behind this whole detention.

If that were the case, then he was screwed six ways till Sunday. A sense of helplessness began to consume him as he realised his predicament.

"I can't help it!" Harry suddenly spat out, his mouth taking on a life of its own. An action he found himself instantly regretting.

"What do you mean you can't help it? Of course you can help it Mr potter. Where is your self-discipline?"

Harry stood there, his body frozen as though encased in ice, refusing the commands of his mind. He wanted nothing more than to run, run until his legs could carry him no further.

"Do you not realise that we all have urges?"

No actually. Up until that point, that thought had never crossed his mind. Well, at least he certainly hadn't thought of Snape as having 'urges'. Harry closed his eyes, expecting to resist the urge to void his stomach of all it's contents.

Except that the thought didn't make him feel as ill as he had anticipated.

Maybe it was the shock?

Or he was just that horny that he no longer cared.

"How do you handle them?" Harry began, as though his mouth suddenly had a mind of its own.

Why wasn't he keeping his mouth shut? He was digging a hole for himself.

"Mr Potter." Snape screwed up his face as though it were a paper bag.

"Your impertinence is incorrigible. Have you not an ounce of shame?" Snape spat as he rose from behind his desk.

Harry wasn't sure what to expect as his eyes darted to the door. He had to be able to flee at a moment's notice, trusting that his legs would finally obey him. Their failure to do so was too horrible to comprehend. 

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