Chapter 5

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Harry gazed out of the library window as a crimson hue began to settle across the castle grounds.

Had he really spent all day here?

How depressing.

Yet he was still no closer to solving his not so little problem.

His stack of reviewed potion books towered before him, threatening to topple over like a game of Jenga soon to meet its demise.

Though, he was surprised the librarian hadn't told him to put at least half of them back already.

At least Snape hadn't paid him a both uninvited and unwelcomed visit.


That detention had been horrific, he wished he could just scrape the whole experience from his memory and burn it beyond recognition.

Not to mention that look he had given him when he asked for his help.

Why did he even bother asking for help? What had he been thinking?

He was an idiot.

It's not like he didn't know that would happen.

Though, that being said, Snape could of at least had the decency to offer assistance instead of sneering like an incessant child.

Maybe this whole time he had been barking up the wrong tree. What if all of this wasn't simply an accident caused by a bout of extremely bad luck, but was rather by design.

What if he was being hexed?

But if that was the case, who would do such a thing?

Harry closed the potions book before sliding it away from and leaning back in his seat.

Now his curiosity was getting the better of him.

The young wizard closed his eyes as a silhouette of Professor Snape took form in his mind.

He was the obvious suspect. Right place, right time. He was always there. Was that even a coincidence?

But why?

What would motivate the professor to do this? Other than his sadistic nature and obvious hatred for him.

Not to mention the fact he was physically near him.

But then why did the inkling of doubt still linger in his mind.

Who else would do this?

He could start by asking himself who else hated him? Or at least hated him enough to subject him to this kind of humiliation.

It was the first time he could recall that he just wanted the holidays to end and normalcy to return.


Snape leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes as the flames danced in his fireplace. He was finally back in his chambers.

What an eventful evening. Even in the holidays the chosen one was giving him untold grief. It seems he can't escape that bloody boy no matter his best efforts.

Perhaps it was fate.

A hideous fate he might add. How could fate be that cruel?


He had firsthand experience of just how cruel it could be.

But never mind that, what on earth was going on with Mr Potter?

The professor sighed as he collected his teacup within his fingers.

He shook his head, as though preparing to indulge himself. What was wrong with the chosen one? It wasn't normal to have that much trouble with hormones, even for a teenage boy.

He could have offered the boy assistance but why should he?

He hated the boy with every ounce of his being, perhaps a twisted part of himself even took pleasure in the boy's untold misery.

But he was still his professor.

That's why he should have helped.

Snape sunk down in his reclining chair as a groan escaped his lips.

Maybe the whole situation embarrassed him more than he cared to admit.

He swigged the tea around in the teacup, as if doing so would magically increase the flavour and offer a solution to this abysmal situation.

He drew the half-empty cup to his lips before a sudden knock on his door snapped him out of his reverie.

Who could that possibly be?

It better not be Mr Potter. Snape suddenly sat up, as though the mere thought of being visited by his least favourite student in his private time gave him a new lease on life as resentment coursed through his veins.

Snape grasped the door handle before violently yanking it open. He parted his lips in preparation of the soon to be delivered verbal onslaught.

Except that series of events was never destined to take place. The man that greeted his eyes was not Potter, but a taller wizard with long blonde hair, a sight that halted Snape dead in his tracks.

"Have you been enjoying your holidays?" Lucius raised a curious eyebrow as he pushed past the younger wizard, making his way uninvited into Snape's chambers.

"I've had worse." Snape stated flatly as he watched the blonde's eyes pool with judgements as they swept across the room. Though he neglected to mention the presence of his current visitor had suddenly made his holidays that much less enjoyable.

"Any interesting events I may not of heard about?" Lucius stood tall, pride exuding itself through every fibre of his being as he finished observing the chambers around him and returned his attention to the dark haired wizard.

"Depends. You may need to be more specific." Snape drawled, his voice distinctively absent any form of intrigue.



Lucius gazed down at the younger wizard, his eyes penetrating the professor's as though attempting to draw some illusive truth from them without the aid of words.

"I hear that Potter has chosen to remain at the castle over the holidays. Is that so?" Lucius began, not breaking his eye contact with Snape as he continued to drill him.

Snape resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow as he searched the blonde's expression for hidden meaning. Why was Lucius here? Especially in the holiday season. Not to mention what did he want with Mr Potter? The professor maintained his stoic expression, refusing to allow any expression of curiosity to appear on his face.

"Indeed." The professor drawled, offering his old school mate the bare minimum, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Lucius.

"I wonder if perhaps he has had an enjoyable holiday." The blonde persisted as a vague sense of what could only be perceived as delight began to pool within his grey eyes.


Why did Lucius care if Mr Potter was having a good time or not?

Snape continued to search the man's facial features, as though supposing if he were to do it for long enough, a clue would reveal itself.

And reveal itself it did.

The professor didn't have to wait long as a slight smirk appeared at the corner of his lips.

Surely not.

Perhaps his student had been the victim of something untoward after all.

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