CHAPTER 1: Celeste P.O.V

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It was a typical night for me, I woke up in my tiny apartment for my graveyard shift at the night club I bartended at. After my quick but needed shower I put my thick curly jet black hair in a ponytail leaving a few strands loose for a cute bang. I slipped on my black tank top and my black leggings that hugged my slim frame. "Alright, Papa I'm leaving ." I say snatching my boots and keys opening the door "be- be safe and drive.... Uh drive carefully." He was busy focused on the football game and his drunken state didn't help "Don't forget to eat Papa." I nag him before shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I start walking down my old ragged apartment corridor "Hey Cee!"I hear a familiar childish voice above me it was my upstairs neighbor's 15 year old son Akeem. "I don't have time today Keemy." I say sighing trying to fasten my walk pace , I could hear him leaping the staircases to beat me to the doors, Soon he was standing right in front of me blocking the exit. "Akeem I'm already late for work I can't-" Before I could get a word out I was being pinned into headlock by him " You used to be the best underground mixed martial artist,  show me what you got!" He's grunting struggling to manage his grip.

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath "First lesson if you're gonna put someone in a headlock have a firm grip!" I say grabbing his pinky and twisting it breaking his hold "Ow what was that for?!"  He shakes his hand trying to subside the pain "Like I said I'm late." I say rushing out of the doors thankfully it's Sunday and traffic is normally not bad here in  DeathCreek, Colorado the name sounds intimidating but it's an actual nice neighborhood that I grew up in.

After driving my black Jeep Cherokee into the potholed filled parking lot I found a spot in front of the door of the night club
I stared at the dazzling pink sign that said 'The Dawn." I huffed in exasperation and grabbed my things and headed inside of the loud club, passing by dancing bodies and spilling alcohol. I made it to my station at the bar and quickly began taking drink orders, hearing bizarre stories and family drama. There was one man though at the bar who stayed silent he looked super intense he had some kind of alluring aura about him.

You could tell he worked out, He had broad shoulders and strong forearms, his muscles showed each time he lifted his cup of whiskey. He had fair skin but he had a slight tan to him , His voice was low and husky whenever he asked for another drink. He wore a white button up with the last two buttons undone exposing his muscular pecs and some black slacks and wing tip shoes, I watched him shift in his seat fixating his eyes on the girl sitting across from him. He had exquisite features strong jawline his eyes were almost abnormal hazel like a fire was burning constantly in his pupils an overall attractive piece of meat but he seemed cold distant and unapproachable which made him more mysterious.

Finally after serving drinks until my arms felt like spaghetti it was finally time to close  the club. I saw everyone exiting the club I didn't see that mysterious guy after he had a couple more drinks and left the bar but he did leave an amazing tip. "Alright bye Freddy!" I call out to my manager "hey be safe! You know 3 girls went missing this week!" He calls after me as I walk out of the old club door I see my car right in front I grab my mace quickly make my way and unlock my doors. I sit in the car for a moment in silence, I go to start the car and immediately my car makes a weird noise and my battery light flicks on and my car completely shuts off.

"No no no!"I yell hitting the steering wheel. I sigh walking past a parked black SUV to make it back into the club almost smashing into Freddy "Hey what's up?" He frowns in confusion "My car died do you think Sasha could give me a jump when she comes to pick you up?" I smile sweetly "I would Celeste but I'm sleeping here tonight me and Sasha fought you know how emotional pregnant women get." He sighs dropping his head "Damn well thanks anyway Fred I'll see you tomorrow night."I went back out looking to see if anyone was in the SUV but the car was empty.

I paced the club entrance trying to get someone on the phone. I heard some movement on the side of the club building near the ally. I slowly crept peeking my head to see the one attractive guy from the bar. He was with the girl he was glaring at she was up against the rustic brick wall and he was intensely making out with her neck."Hi excuse me is that your SUV?" I slowly say walking over "I don't mean to interrupt I just need a jump because my battery just died...." As i get closer I notice the woman isn't moving her body is jerking lifelessly as he ravaged her.

He pauses and turns around and there's blood splatted all over his face and mouth. I step back in horror holding my hands on my mouth watching the poor blonde slide down the wall with blood and veins falling out of her neck. I nearly fainted before forcing myself back into reality "You stupid human who do you think you are to interrupt my meal?" His teeth were sharp he crept towards me while wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Back up asshole!" I scream taking one of my famous fighting stances from my underground fighting days.

He chuckled and went to grab me by my neck, I quickly evaded and grabbed the arm he reached with and pinned it behind him forcing him against the wall. "For such a tiny meat bag you've got some strength." He coldly spits out while smiling. Next thing I know he overpowers me and forces me against the wall. "Maybe I should just finish you and make you my after midnight snack." His fangs flash as he gets closer to my neck digging them into my flesh. I screamed in agony kneeing him in his stomach over and over again but it was like kneeing a cement wall. I felt the energy leaving me I was getting weaker but I was not gonna stop fighting as my body weighed down he began supporting me thinking I was falling unconscious. I used that moment to sneak attack and dig my teeth into his back forcing my hands and nails into his throat. He hollered in pain I could taste his blood gushing in my mouth as I chomped harder trying to get him to release his grip off of my shoulders.

He released my shoulders and quickly put the palm of his hand around my whole face slamming it into the wall. The last  thing I remember was seeing the full moon before everything went pitch black.

Pure of the moon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن