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They say that the 17th century an empire rose to power eliminating any threat that crossed its path. Rumors were that they're armies were of men that rarely slept  and they stalked mostly in  the night crushing their enemies with amazing strength and power, and their Emperor  his name Emperor Volund III but the world knew him as the Undead Warrior King who hailed from Finland. Merciless, Greedy, Bloodthirsty Volund the undead waged war pillaging neighboring countries forcing them to pledge  their loyalty  or die.

His devastating attack on Sweden left thousands dead leaving the county bare. People who survived spread their tales of them witnessing not an emperor but a monster with razor sharp teeth sucking the life and spirit out of their people and their country; enslaving some transforming them into monsters as well and others were transformed willingly
through this, a family of royals were born beginning the start of the century of the vampires.

They ruled for centuries before Volund's greed got the best of him and he began taxing everyone hefty prices which caused   an outrage and the vampire children he created began to conspire against him baiting King Charles I of England to kill their adopted blood father. King Charles was their audience and heard their plan and they told him the secret of how to kill the unkillable and he agreed to slay the Undead King  for now this was what he believed was his destiny.

They planned the date and all the arrangements to finally dethrone Volund but Charles concocted a plan with his own counsel in England to kill off all of the vampires in Sweden and Finland and finally rid the world of this growing cancer in their waters. The day of the assassination Hefra, Volund's favorite daughter called for him in the dining hall for supper.  The king proudly marched into his own death for as when he entered the room English soldiers awaited for his entrance and stabbed him forty six times with swords that have been blessed with the sun's heat by Russian Blood witches. The knights from England had successfully slain the Undead king all of the vampiric children rejoiced as now they were free from the tyranny and cruelty of their father.

They couldn't celebrate for long as soon as the main objective was complete hoards of  English soldiers tore through their weekend defenses and slaughtered a lot of the royal vampire  family betraying them and their pact after killing the majority of vampires King Charles claimed Finland and Sweden free from the reign of the vampires the very few humans they kept as livestock cried and celebrated their new found freedom. the people of England, and Sweden and Finland joined together in burning the Castle of Darkness to cinders.

From then to now vampires old or new prefer to keep under the radar unseen and unheard forever thought of as a myth. We follow Celeste in this story as she discovers this world and we find out the puzzle piece she is in the threat of a new empire rising

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