Chapter 21

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The streets are dark and quiet once I get away from the frat block. The other frat houses aren't as big as Stefan's. There are so many things I don't understand about Stefan, why is he in a fraternity with a bunch of rich kids if he is punk, and why does he go from hot to cold so quickly? I don't know why I even bother to waste my time thinking about him, after tonight I am beyond done trying to be friendly with him. I can't believe I kissed him. That was the biggest possible mistake I could have made and the second I let my guard down around him he attacked, worse than ever. I am not stupid enough to trust that he won't tell anyone but I hope his embarrassment of kissing me will keep him quiet. I will deny it until the grave if anyone finds out.

After an hour and a half of walking, I finally reach the campus. I stop at the coffee house and grab a cup, I might as well stay awake. I need to come up with a good explanation for my mother and Matt for my behavior tonight, not the kissing, they will never know about that, but that I was at a party. Again. I really need to have a talk with Matt about telling my mom things, I am an adult now and she doesn't need to know what I am doing all the time. My legs and feet hurt by the time I reach my dorm and I sigh in relief as I turn the knob. "You've got to be kidding me!" I half scream at the sight of Stefan sitting on my bed.

"Where were you?" He asks calmly. "I drove around trying to find you for almost two hours."


"Why the hell would you be looking for me?" I ask in disbelief.

Why didn't he just offer to take me home earlier. More importantly, why didn't I ask him to as soon as I found out he hadn't been drinking? Oh that's right, because there is no way he would have done anything nice for me.

"Because.. because I don't think it is a good idea for you to be walking around at night, alone."

I laugh at his words. He furrows his brows, frowning at me and I laugh harder.

"Get out Stefan" I say in between laughs.

I am not laughing because I find this funny, I am laughing because I am too drained to do anything else. He looks at me and runs his hands through his hair. In the little time that I have known this frustrating man that is Stefan Salvatore, I have learned that he does that when he is either stressed or uncomfortable. I hope it's both right now.

"Elena, I am.." He's cut off by pounding on the door.

"Elena! Elena Gilbert, you open this door!" It's my mother.

"Oh my god, Stefan get in the closet" I whisper and grab his arm yanking him off the bed.

"I am not hiding in the closet, you're eighteen." He says and I know he is right but he doesn't know my mother.

I groan in frustration and she pounds again. I check the mirror, wiping under my eyes and grab my toothpaste, smearing a little on my tongue to conceal the smell of vodka. When I open the door my mother and Matt are standing side by side and my mother looks furious.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them as my mom pushes by me and goes straight for Stefan.

"This is why you haven't been answering your phone? Because you have this.. this.. troublemaker in your room at six am!" She shouts.

My blood boils. I am usually timid and sort of afraid when it comes to her. She has never hit me or anything but she isn't shy when it comes to pointing out my mistakes.

"You aren't wearing that are you Elena?"

"You should have brushed your hair again Elena."

"I think you could have done better than that Elena."

She always puts so much pressure on me to be perfect all the time, it's exhausting. Matt just stands there glaring at Stefan and I want to scream at both of them, actually all three of them. My mother for treating me like a child, Matt for telling on me, and Stefan for just being Stefan.

"Is this what you do in college young lady? You stay up all night and have boys in your room? Poor Matt was worried sick about you and we drive all this way to find you being dare I say it, slutty." She says and Matt and I both gasp.

"I just got here, she wasn't doing anything wrong." Stefan says and I am shocked.

He has no idea what he is up against. Maybe this will be a good fight, my subconscious grabs a bag of popcorn and sits down in the front row to watch.

"I was not speaking to you, I don't know what someone like you is doing hanging around my daughter anyway."

"Mother." I say through my teeth.

I am not sure why I am defending Stefan but I am. Matt looks at me the at Stefan and back to me again. Does he know that I just kissed Stefan? The memory is fresh in my mind and makes my skin tingle just thinking about it.

"Elena, you are out of control. I can smell the liquor on you from here. I can only assume that this is the influence of your lovely roommate and him." She says, looking towards Stefan.

"I am eighteen mother, I have never drank before and I didn't do anything wrong. I am just doing what every other college student is doing. I am sorry that you drove all the way here but I am fine." I sit down after my speech and she signs.

"Could you leave us for a minute?" She asks Stefan, her voice calmer than it was moments ago.

He looks at me as if asking if I will be okay. I nod and he walks out of the room. It's a strange revelation, me and Stefan against my mother and my boyfriend. Somehow I know he will be waiting by the door until they leave.

My mother explains that she is just worried about me ruining my chance at an amazing education and she doesn't want me to drink again. She also tells me that she doesn't approve of my friendship with Katherine, Stefan, or anyone else associated with them. She makes me promise that I will stop being friends with them and I agree. I don't want to be around Stefan after tonight anyway and I won't be going to anymore parties with Katherine so there is no way my mother will know if I am friends with her or not.

"Since we are already here, let's go get some breakfast and maybe do some shopping." My mom suggests and Matt smiles.

I nod in agreement, it does sound like a good idea and I am starving. My thoughts are still a little effected by the amount of alcohol I consumed but my walk home and my mother's lecture have sobered me.

"You'll need to clean up a little and change of course" She smiles her condescending smile and I stand up to get some clean clothes out of my dresser. After I change in the closet, I touch up last night's makeup and I am ready to go. When we open the door Stefan is sitting on the ground, leaning against the door across the hall. He looks up and Matt grasps my hand.

"We are going to go into town." I tell Stefan. I find myself wanting to pull my hand out of Matt's. What is wrong with me?

"Oh, okay." Stefan says and for the first time he looks vulnerable and maybe a little hurt. He humiliated you, my subconscious reminds me. I know she is right but I can't help feeling guilty as Matt pulls me along past Stefan. My mom gives Stefan a fake smile and he looks away.

"I really don't like that guy." Matt says and I nod.

"Me either." I whisper, knowing I am lying.

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