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Standing under the shower, I kept thinking about Grandma and how pale she looked. There was so much I needed answers to. Like, why she told me and not her children, or why she didn't want to do the surgery. I sighed, turning off the shower. As I got out of the shower stall, I collided with a body. I lost my footing and almost fell if it wasn't for huge arms coming around my waist and holding me steady.

My heartbeat went crazy, if he didn't hear it, it would be a miracle. I was stark naked, pressed against hard muscles buried under a thin layer of a shirt. I looked up at my husband and almost looked back down at the intense look in his eyes.

"Samkelo." I breathed out as the tension grew heavier with each breath we both took. He didn't say anything, he didn't say anything with his mouth that he couldn't say with his eyes.

"I'm tired, Azalea." He said, jaws clenching. I didn't take my eyes off him. Even when he picked me up effortlessly like I weighed nothing, I didn't look away.

"I'm tired of pretending that I don't want to hold you every time I feel the urge to." He walked out of the bathroom with me wrapped around him like a koala. I could feel how rigid his muscles were against my skin. My arms held tighter against his neck to keep my grip on him steady. Or maybe to hold on to the feeling of being closer to him a little bit longer.

"I'm tired of watching you sleep, knowing I can't have you in my arms." Samkelo was a man. A man with pride, and a man who wanted to be in charge of everything around him, including his wife.

He put me gently on the bed, naked and bare for him to see. I wasn't embarrassed, I didn't feel the need to cover myself up. I felt safe, no matter what he had done that had us in that predicament, I felt safe with him.

"I'm tired of watching you smile and laugh at my stupid brother, I'm sure he's not even that funny." With a straight face and furrowed eyebrows, he said. But I couldn't contain the smile that broke out of my face. I reached my hand to soothe the frown away.

"I'm tired of feeling this way. Please tell me, tell me what it is that I should do to make you feel like you can trust me." He unbuttoned his shirt. I gulped, things were getting serious.

"Because Azalea, you have my heart, my trust. So tell me what I need to do to earn yours." He took off his shirt and threw it somewhere. I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were sorely focused on him, all of him. He was opening himself up to me. He was being vulnerable, something I was yet to accomplish with him. He was doing it for me. That was enough for me.

"I would do anything to earn your trust, just name it." My poor husband was really clueless, again I guess all men were. He was giving me the go-ahead to take control for once. Just to earn my trust.

"Really anything?" I asked. He was standing in front of me in his boxer briefs hugging him tightly. I could see the outline of his manhood clearly. Standing hard and proud. He was erect. I felt a sense of pride knowing I was the cause for it.

Samkelo took my hands and made me stand from the bed in front of him. He snaked his arms around my love handles and pulled me close to him. So close I could feel all of him, every part. He laid his forehead on mine.

"Name it." His word was firm. If it was true, I was yet to see.

"I want to stop having any close relations with Amanda." I looked at him skeptically, to gauge his reaction. But he didn't give anything away.

"Done," He started to massage the parts of my body I always felt insecure about with his large and rough hands. His touch was like fire on my skin. I was burning for him.

"But the Qabas are close friends to the family." I rose my eyebrows at him.

"Azalea, I said I would do anything for you, for your trust. I no longer have any relations with Amanda, and never will I speak with her again." I nodded at him. He sounded affirmative.

"I need you to communicate with me if ever something that concerns both of us happens again. Be honest with me at all times, I need honesty." I almost pleaded with him. I needed that from him. His wife looked like a clown in front of that girl. It really embarrassed me. I was hurt.

"I will try my best. I don't promise to always do that but I will try for you." He said honestly. If he had said that he would do it, I would've doubted him. But he was honest because knowing him, just being vulnerable and not being in charge was hard.

He wanted to be the man that protects and fixes everything, and I wanted to be the woman next to him, I wanted him to try and allow me to be that woman. He was willing to try.

"Also, I want you to fix whatever issues you have with your brother." I felt his hands pause what they were doing to my body. With my acrylic nails, I massaged the back of his head gently. Samkelo's eyes closed as he leaned his head on my bare shoulder.

"That is the last thing I ask of you. Please, pretty please." I held his head up to look at him. He had his face indifferent, annoyed even.
I smiled at him.

"Mama," He groaned. It was deep and full of emotions. "I don't know how that is related to us." I was still holding his face in my hands. I noticed that he loved to frown, whenever something he didn't like happened or was said he would frown. At this rate, he was going to have a permanent frown patched on his forehead.

"It is not, but my love, he is your brother. And since he's been here, you haven't so much as interact with him." I tilted my head to the side a little to look at him properly. The man was tall and broad, just looking up at him was tiresome for me.

" I have nothing to say to him. He knows it." As he said that with so much authority, I wondered just what had happened between the two brothers. I sighed. I wanted to say more but he cut me off. "Azalea, leave it." I nodded.

I dropped my hands from his hold. He groaned, taking my hands and putting them back at the back of his head.

"I will think about it, continue what you were doing." He said gruffly. I smiled happily up at him. His lips tipped to the side, just a little. It was enough for me.

"I'm tired of standing." I pouted. He smirked as he picked me up and walked to the bed with me.

"I'll be back." He kissed the corner of my lips as he retrieved from me. He walked to the closet and came back with my panties and my tank top. He came back and dressed me himself. I blushed at the gesture. After dressing in just those little clothing items he climbed in and pulled me to lay on him.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. Was I being a hypocrite for not telling him about his grandmother? I just hoped he understood me when it was all over.

Azalea The Queen Where stories live. Discover now