Chapter 1

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It's been a year since Lan Zhan and his Wei Ying have found each other. To say it's been easy would be a lie. Lan Zhan is still fragile and breaks down at the simplest of things. Wei Ying is always there to catch him, but it can be exhausting no matter how much you love that person.

Wei Ying understands that Lan Zhan never grieved for his mother because he always felt alone. It was always just the two of them, no one else. Even his uncle was not close to him, certainly not enough to cry on his shoulder.

Wei Ying is more than willing to be his safe zone. His safe place, his person when he needs comfort and love. Lan Zhan doesn't know it, but he is also Wei Ying's safe harbor. He also understands and knows grief after losing his parents at a young age. He does not want to burden Lan Zhan with this knowledge yet; maybe someday when he is stronger.

In return, Lan Zhan shows his gratitude and love by spoiling Wei Ying whenever possible. When Wei Ying is happy, the sparkle in those silver eyes is worth everything to him. It makes Lan Zhan thankful daily that Wei Ying is in his life. 

Every day Wei Ying wakes up to the aroma of his favorite coffee and a single red rose on his bedside table. Sometimes Wei Ying would walk out of their bedroom with the flower in his hair or keeps it in a handmade vase on the table while they ate so that he could keep admiring it.

Today, however, was different. Lan Zhan was thrilled this morning. For once, his Wei Ying woke up before him and kissed him awake to greet the sunrise in each other's arms. This beautiful morning was spent loving each other deeply and sincerely. They couldn't get enough of each other. Finally, Wei Ying declared himself tired and hungry. Lan Zhan chuckles and kisses the nose of his beloved.

"Sleep more, my love; I will bring us breakfast from the bakery you love," whispers Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying nods, kisses Lan Zhan's cheeks, and slowly drifts to sleep. Lan Zhan tucks him in and makes sure he is comfortable. Before he leaves, he takes a quick shower; with one last look at his sleeping love, he gently closes the door and leaves the house for the bakery. He again thanks the universe for the beautiful man he loves and who loves him back.

The line is long, but Lan Zhan doesn't mind. He knows Wei Ying sleeps soundly and won't wake up any time soon, plus his favorite music is playing in his earbuds. He can be patient. Finally, his turn has come; just as he receives his order, someone puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Excuse me, are you Lan Zhan, son of Lan Yi, the stained glass artist?"

Lan Zhan is frozen in place. He doesn't respond. He hasn't heard his mother's name spoken in a while, for those who know him know this brings on his depression and sadness, which is hard to come back from.

"I'm Lu Chen, a fellow artist like your mother. I was saddened to hear of her death. She was well respected and liked. I was working overseas and, having just returned, happened to learn about your mother. My deepest sympathies; I'm sure she's in a better place now. She's no longer suffering. Time will heal your wounds, don't worry, my boy."

How many times has he heard those words that hold no meaning to him and only bring him pain and sorrow?  Don't they understand even though she was suffering, he could still talk to her, touch her, still put his head in her lap when he was troubled or saddened? She would speak gently to him while stroking his hair. He knew it was wrong to keep her, but she was all he had.  

He brushed aside the man's hands and ran out of the bakery. He ran to his car but didn't start it.  He calls out, "Mom, I miss you so much!!" He clutches the steering wheel, and with his face against the wheel, he begins to cry long and hard. His heart is breaking all over again.  He has lost track of time, and he is numb. Suddenly someone knocks on his car window.  He doesn't look up until he hears a voice.

It was his beloved Wei Ying, his safe place in this world.

He gently slides Lan Zhan to the passenger side and drives them home while holding Lan Zhan's hand. At the same time, Lan Zhan was crying on Wei Ying's shoulder.  Once at home, Wei Ying gently washes Lan Zhan's face and slowly kisses his eyes, nose, and lips. 

"No more, my darling; please tell me what got you in such a state. I got worried when I woke up, and you still weren't home. Did someone say something to you?"

Lan Zhan lays his head on Wei Ying's lap, and while Wei Ying is stroking his hair, he tells him about the man in the bakery. What he said to him and how he ran out of the bakery crying.

"I know I should be better about this, but I'm not. Why do people always say such things? Don't they understand how hurtful that sounds? Don't they understand what it means to have your loved one still with you?  Even if it means you have to take care of them entirely?  Yes, I didn't want my mom to suffer or have pain, but still, I could be at her side. I know it's selfish, but she was my world. Please, never leave me, for I will truly not survive it," sobs Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying pulls Lan Zhan up to hold his lover properly.  "My love, let me tell you a story, my story. I truly know and understand your heart.  Let me hold you in my arms as you need me. I need you because you are my safe haven, my shelter in this world."

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