Chapter 3

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As usual, Lan Zhan woke up early, and instead of coffee and breakfast, he spread a large map of the world on the table. He wants his beloved to decide where they will start their adventures. He can hardly wait for Wei Ying to wake up. As if sensing something, Wei Ying walks into the room, yawning and trying to get his unruly hair out of his face. Lan Zhan rushes to him and covers his eyes while walking Wei Ying to the table. Wei Ying giggled and softly licked Lan Zhan's hand. Hearing Lan Zhans sharp intake, he chuckled more.  

"Wei Ying, behave; I have a surprise for you !!"  says Lan Zhan.

"Oh alright, you fuddy-duddy, I will behave," laughs Wei Ying.  

Lan Zhan stands his lover before the table and removes his hand.  "What's this, Lan Zhan?" whispers Wei Ying. Lan Zhan back hugs him and whispers close to Wei Ying's ears causing him to shiver in delight.  

"Pick anywhere in the world that you want to see to start our adventures." 

Wei Ying quickly turned in Lan Zhan's arms and looked at him to see if he was serious.  "Repeat what you just said; I don't think I heard you right,"  said Wei Ying.  Lan Zhan kissed those lips he loved so much, looked at his beloved, and said slowly, "Pick the country or place you want to see first."

Wei Ying is stunned but turns around again and looks at the map while in Lan Zhan's arms. Suddenly his favorite story comes to mind. His mother would read it to him before bed. He knew every word by heart. He touches the map with a shaking finger, "Aladdin," he whispers. His finger is touching China; that's where they will start.  (The original Aladdin is based in a city among cities in China).

They left for China soon after. They wandered, loved, and became closer than ever. They stayed for six months.  Next came Lan Zhan's wish; he chose Egypt.  He had always wanted to see the great pyramids in person. He also had heard stories about the famous blue-colored glass made only for the ancient royals of Egypt. Its color was unmatched in the ancient world.  So they visited museums and art galleries and met renowned artists in the glass world. The days were filled with beauty and knowledge, while the nights were filled with making love under the desert moon and stars.

Germany, Sweden, Spain, and France also held secrets in glasswork, giving them new places to love and make memorable memories together. Finally, they went to Venice, the city of canals.  Here Lan Zhan proposed to Wei Ying, and here they married. They decided to stay and honeymoon here. While visiting one of the many shops Wei Ying saw some stunning glass artwork and asked the shopkeeper about it.  He was told it came from an island nearby, an island of glassworkers and artists. They both felt strongly about going to this island.

Murano Island is located in the Venetian lagoon about 1.5 Km from the north of Venice.  It is known worldwide for its glass-making. Secrets are told only from father to son, making the glass more valuable. It was also known for the fishermen who fed the nearby areas. It was a hard-working community filled with galleries showcasing the island's artists. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying loved this place. They managed to catch the attention of a master glassmaker with no sons to pass his knowledge to, so secretly, he taught them how to create the unique red and blue colored glass they were known for.

He taught them how to make their colors and shape the glass into beautiful artwork. He told them he was willing to pass on the secrets because he knew they also could hear the song of the glass calling to them.  They stayed with him for two years learning all he was willing to teach. 

So with knowledge and love in their hearts, they returned home to create their magic, the colored glass. They became known worldwide for their understanding of glasswork and unique art pieces. Their stained glass windows were always in demand. Finally, they feel that they have made their parents proud and that they can move on in the spirit world. 

Yet for all that, Lan Zhan still feels something is missing in their life.  He looks down at the angel in his arms and wonders how he will react when he shares his heart's desire with him.  Lan Zhan wants someone to pass on the knowledge they have acquired over the years like his mother did with him. Wei Ying has never mentioned children, so he is unsure how he will react. He falls asleep while pondering how to tell his beloved what he wants.

Morning has come, and both are still sleeping; slowly, Wei Ying wakes up and studies his husband's face.  He looks so young and angelic while sleeping. He bends down and kisses his cheek.  He thinks to himself how much he would like to share this happiness with maybe a little one. Their little one.  He falls back asleep with a tiny smile, and perhaps he will talk to Lan Zhan about this.

As usual, Wei Ying stumbles into the kitchen while Lan Zhan makes breakfast. "Coffee, Lan Zhan; I need coffee, please."  Lan Zhan chuckles and places the cup on the table, steering his love to his chair. Once breakfast is done and they are snuggling on the couch, Lan Zhan decides it is now or never.  

"Wei Ying, I would like to ask you about something."  Wei Ying places himself in Lan Zhan's lap giving him his full attention. "Something has been on my mind for a while, and I want to see how you feel about it, okay?" says Lan Zhan softly.

"We have never talked about children, but I want to be a parent, to pass on our love and knowledge. I want to pass on the song of the glass as my mother tried for me, but I never succeeded until you came into my life. I want to adopt a child, maybe more if we can."

Wei Ying is stunned. Were these not his very thoughts just this morning? Did Lan Zhan see into his heart and soul?  Long seconds go by, and Lan Zhan thinks he has made a mistake and wants to retract what he just said. Suddenly Wei Ying launches into his husband and peppers his face with kisses while tears of happiness stream down his face.

"My love, this has been on my mind also; I never said anything because I thought it might be too painful for you. I didn't know if you were able or ready to become a parent because of the painful loss of your mother," says Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan laughs while crying, "We still need work in communication."  Wei Ying laughs with him, " I guess we do. To answer your question,  yes, my love, I want a child or a whole house full of children. I don't care as long as you are with me.

So with Lan Zhan's uncle's help, They are now the proud parents of a beautiful baby boy A-Yuan.  He brings joy and happiness into their hearts.  Through him, the songs of the glass will continue, and his parents' love will be his guiding force for the rest of his life.  

I hope you enjoyed this story.  Communication is everything in any relationship. Without it, we are lost; only pain and heartbreak will come out.

This is dedicated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I hope it was what you wished for.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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