Ch. 3: Who Wins; Nine or 10? or 11? (Not Teen Friendly)

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Me: Take a Seat...

*Sonic, Shadow, and Nine took their Seats; Shadow had to Have Nine walk between Him and Sonic so that he doesn't Disobey or escape*

Me: Let's start with how you three came into this world, Yes?

Sonic: It started when Nine was Upset at me due to my goals being different from His; and he walked through the portal and then this disturbance set the portal off balance; Nine may have dropped the Shards and they are all scattered.

Shadow: I am partially mad at Sonic for being Soft or trying to convince Nine about being Real or what happens to him afterwards when all the shards are put back into place.

Nine: rrrgggghh...

Me: Nine, not your turn.

Shadow: And It looks like that moment with Nine betraying Sonic Changed everything and Sonic only wanted to restore his Home that he destroyed by creating the Shatterverse; yet at the same time, destroyed his own; his friends are on Reruns...

Me: I see; Sonic... I need your opinion on everything that has happened to you so far...

Sonic: I don't have much... All I long to do is just restore my home; but at the same time I've come so far; I've met many variations of my friends some of them are sometimes not friendly... That being said when I met nine he gave me the tech to travel through the shadow verse without glitching or smoldering...

Me: Nine; was there a chance that you told Sonic how your backstory went and why you betrayed Sonic?

Nine: That's not an easy story... He told me that "his" tails had his bullies scared off by Sonic; but it didn't go the same way for me every beat down every insult and it has led me to become what I am now... But when I met Sonic and how well I worked with him... I always thought we could rebuild what he would've wanted for me... So I found this null dimension and that was where the final piece of The shard was and I hit it disguised as a coconut; and as soon as I would have had the shards I could rebuild what I wanted there... That was until I saw Sonic's goal; and it was to restore his home in Green Hill; I got mad at him; and I didn't think before I acted; I ripped the shards apart from the blueprint; and I was attempting to journey this out on my own...

Me: Interesting.

J-Droid: Sir; I have some bad news.

Me: What is it?

J-Droid: You guys were talking about the shards of the Shatterverse?

Me: Yeah?

J-Droid: The Brundore Family, Rogues, and The New Enemy have one of the Shards!

Me: Great... Just Great... Just thinking about what the front door family could do with power like that...

Sonic: I would imagine what he could do... I know this because I seen the variations of my friends and enemies use the shards for power before.

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