Ch. 7: You've Got A Brother in Me

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*The Next Morning, I decided to sleep in... Iris was a little confused at first; but still she thought it was cute when I sleep; so she let me sleep in a little longer*

*As soon as I woke up, I went to go shave my beard off; Sonic knocked on my bathroom door*

Me: Yes?

Sonic: As soon as you're done in there, I need you for a favor.

Me: Okay.

*25 Minutes Later*

Me: So what do you need me for?

Sonic: I have never gone this long without my best buddy... I just really wish I could see him again and talk to him again...

Me: Tails must mean a lot to you; as well as Amy Knuckles and everyone else that you made friends with along the way...

Sonic: They do... But I fear once I fail and Nine succeeds and in restoring the shards correctly in the null dimension; I'm not even sure if Green Hill would just move to the null dimension or if you would force me to come to the null dimension when he succeeds... I hate to say it but "Nine" is not the real "Tails" I dream of having; ever...

Me: I see; We can't do dreamwalking; but maybe there is another way.

Sonic: Like what?

Me: Come with me...

*He follows me to my meditation room*

Sonic: Meditation?

Me: Not just meditation; meditating through the force... When you see Tails through the force; you can't stop meditating but you can talk to him; it's hard for a creature like you to be patient I understand that; but what other choice do we have that is not dreamwalking.

Sonic: *exhale* Okay... Show me how you meditate.

*I silently get down with my legs crossed and my Hands at the intersection of my legs; I silently close my eyes, and I float; Sonic was amazed; so he took a deep breath; crossed his legs, kept his hands to his sides; closed his eyes; an slowly floated off the ground; and found himself in his mindscape; and then he saw Tails right infront of him*

"Tails": You come a long way ever since you shattered the prism; Maybe you chose the right Wingman after all...

Sonic "sniffling": Tails, I don't know how to tell you this, but I need a hug...

"Tails": The Future Hasn't been kind to you, has it...

Sonic: *sobbing* no... *Tails without second opinion gives Sonic a hug*


Me: Okay, so far he's doing great... Nothing wrong; no harm, no foul.


Sonic: ... I saw what I done... And I should have listened to you guys... Maybe I shouldn't have come... Otherwise we would have won.

Tails: Something tells me this is not the Sonic I know...

Sonic: ... I ran into this alternative version of you which is more angst-y and intense; he seemed to have never been saved from the bullies by me; and throughout his experience he invented seven more mechanical tails turning him into "Nine."

Tails: And this bothers you?

Sonic: I'll be honest with you, buddy; this adventure to restore the shards has been really emotional for me; so I've never been more serious than anything in my life until now.

Tails: It is not wrong to admit when something is harder than it looks... But ever since I met you; you inspired me... You were the brawn and I was the brains; We beat robotnik together; So if anything; this is not the end, Sonic. You still got some fight left in you; maybe perhaps a regain of my consciousness in Nine; might help even the odds...

Sonic: I met this new guy which is from the world I am currently in right now; and he knows the ways of the force...

???: You Mean Me?

*The Two look at Me who just entered the Mindscape*

Me: You must be Tails.

Tails: Yes I Am.

Me: So I Take it, Sonic told you everything we are currently up against?

Tails: He only told me about this alternative version of me with nine tails instead of two; Seven of them are metal...

Me: Yep, That's Nine alright; and let's just say you're not the only one with alternative versions of yourself... Tombstone maybe working with the Enemy.

Sonic: We are currently dealing with these rogues called The Brundore family;  Tombstone is an Alternative Version Of Joshua from another Universe; and as far as we know Nine will not be alone...

Tails: Alright... Joshua how good of a fighter are you?

Me: I am a Really good fighter; Both "Hand to Hand" and "Magic" Why?

Tails: As far as we know the Shatterprism has five shards combined together; we have to assume that nine has the Fifth Shard which is purple; All That remains for everyone else is to get the green shard we already have the red and blue shards, yes?

Me: Yes.

Tails: Well, we might need to hide those away from the Brundore family; because if I remember correctly from my experience with rogues or bad guys; they would do anything to rain with ultimate power.

Me: Can't Argue with that one.

Sonic: This is a very big help, buddy...

Tails: Look man, Even if times are really really grim right now... Just know you always got a brother in me; Okay?

Sonic: Okay. Last Hug? *Tails hugs Sonic dearly*

*Me and Sonic exit the Mindscape*

Me: Did it work for y- *Interrupted by Sonic clinging to me*

Sonic: You have no idea how much that meant to me; Thank You. *I hugged him back* Alright; Enough of the mush; we got work to do.

Me: Roger that.


*Everyone gathered in the Meeting room*

Me: Okay; Everyone Listen up; As Far As We Know, Team Brundore will be trying to reach the battle talent dimension to where the green shard is; We got to get through three realms to get to that Shard; as far as we know Sonic and Shadow are obviously really good with Speed, Attack, Experience, and Power.

Shadow: The only other thing is he and I don't know what those realms are going to hold; but as long as we all stick together we hopefully will get through all three without a scratch.

Iris: Not to mention; we need to keep our guards up in case of anything happens to attack us at a surprise.

Jaser: Let's not forget about the enemies in those three realms; we got Goblins, Skeletons, and Elves, To deal with.

Me: That being said we are in this together; and if anything happens at the last minute I'll let you know. Hands in.

*Me, Sonic, Iris, Jaser, Shadow, ZOE-3, J-Droid, had their arms in as they head up to the Armory to Gear Up*

*Cameo appearance*

Bart: Oh Man... How come we don't get any of this action?

Lincoln: Tell that to the writer... I couldn't agree more on your statement, Bart.

Bart: Man, This sucks...


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