UC Lucy Chen x Female Reader Part 1

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_________________Lucy's POV_________________

I walked into the office, coffee in hand, and sat at my desk, it was a little before roll call so I could just relax until then, my morning a little hectic, but nothing crazy.

"Morning Lucy!" Nolan said cheerfully, and I smiled warmly at him.

"Good morning Nolan, up early?" I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee, warming my hands up after the cool morning air.

"Yes I am indeed, I am starting to train my first Rookie today and cannot wait to meet them!" Nolan excalimed his goofy big smile on his face.

"Oh? That's very good I hope they have good potential! I'm sure I'll meet them for roll call." I stated happy to invite a new rookie into our little family.

After that more people filed in. Nyla, Lopez, Thorsen, Tim.

A smile tugged at my lips when my eyes land on Tim, and I wave. He does so back, but nothing special.

"Chen. I need you in my office." Sergeant Grey called, his voice firm, but I could tell I wasn't in trouble because he still had a soft undertone.

I left my coffee on the table and sped walked to his office, where Lopez and Harper sat waiting as well. I closed the door behind me smiling nervously at the two most amazing women I have worked with.

"Sir? Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

"You first Ladies." Grey said gesturing to the detectives. I turn my attention to them quickly, wanting to know what was going on.

"Do you know the Anronos case?" Lopez asked simply.

My lip forms a line, "I've only heard bits and pieces." I state.

"Well, the Anronos case is a case Harper has worked on since she first started UC work. It's a drug cartell that we have endlessly worked to take down. The leader Anronos is a slimy fucker who seems to always be a step ahead, but we finally might have a case against him. We have had intell brought to us that says he will be disposing an alarming amount of drugs at a port, we need someone to get in there quick, but all of our UC's are busy on other matters." Lopez explained, and I took everyone word in.

"And you want me to go under." I added.

"Yes, but it's only if you feel you are comfortable enough do to so, if not I will look for another UC," Harper stated firmly.

I worried my lip thinking it over. "How hard would it be to break into the inner circle to even be able to know which port it'll be at?" I asked confused.

"Harper is trusted enough so if she initiats you and sells you off as a cook, you'll be in easily. Every drug lord is always looking for more cooks, which will mean he will bring you right to where we need to be." Lopez states.

There's a pause between all four of us, I think hard. Do I want this? Who am I kidding of course I want this, but am I ready? I hope so.

"When do I start?" I asked.

__________________Y/n's POV___________________

I dress in a crop black tank top, a leather jacket, and ripped black jeans, and platform boots. I strap my gun in my jacket, and do a dark makeup, adding red lipstick as my final touch, as I always do.

Underneath all of this hard exterior I am petrified, but that's why I'm wearing all of this, so they don't see through to that.

I walk out of my motel, and slam into a tall man, a body guard from the boss.

I snear, "Watch where you're going, you shouldn't even by here." I snarled, knowing I worked hard finding a fucking place, so he could show his face and get my kicked out.

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