First day

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Bella pov.
Today is the day I go on a plane and spend the last year of school in a small town in Washington named forks. My dad asked if I'd like to come and see him and I have missed him a lot. There is my dad's friend Billy Black and his son Jacob I have not seen them in 9 years. My mom drops me of at the airport and I am on my way to forks under constant cloud.

*After flight*

I see my dad standing by his police car, he is sheriff. Once I get to his car I give him a hug and he hugs me back. On our way home he says "you remember Billy and jacob right" I answer "of course" jacob and I used to hang out all the time during the summer when I still came. He says "well I was wondering if you would like to go over there for dinner tonight.

Sorry the chapter is short. How do you like so far. It's my first time writing so hope you like it.

Jacob and bellaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang