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I skipped to graduation because I can't think of anything.
Bella's pov

Today I am graduating I am so nervous all my friends are helping me make my speech and of course I am extremely shy yeah. At lunch I have to perfect idea u tell all of my friends and they agree. After lunch ne and Mike walk to the chemical lad and sir in our sets. When the teacher walks in he has a new student with him the new kid is a boy with brown hair he is kinda cute and scenes the set next to me is the only one open he has to sit there. I found out his name is Edward and he moved here from Florida he has a little tan but you can barely notice.

After school I go to the parking lot to get my black cover for graduation and see jacob standing there so I run up and give him a hug and a kiss and ask why he is here so early. He said "I came early because I wanted to see you and Sam let me lose for a little while". After he says that I grab the cover I take his hand and we go inside I walk to the gym to see everyone that is graduating so that we can practice. I walk up and give my speech and get my diploma and walk of when my fellow class mates heard my speech they where shocked except for my friends they had huge smiles on there faces.

After graduation we all go out to dinner we invite Edward to come with and he said yes. When we got there everyone went inside and sat down Edward kept shooting evil glares at jacob I don't know why. When jacob leaned over and kissed me Edward got up and ran to the bathroom I sent Mike to check on him. Jacob tried to get up to see but I would not let him because he knew why Edward got up and left for. Mike came back and said Edward would like to speak to me so I got up and walked of to the bathrooms and saw Edward leaning against the wall. When he saw me he walked over to me and said he was sorry for getting up and running to the bathrooms but he Said he likes me and got mad when jacob kissed me. I told him that I thought he was cute but did not share the same feelings at lest not in that way.

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