Chapter 2 - Echoes of enigma

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The bustling hustle of Kings Cross Station yielded a captivating stillness as I made my way through the barrier of platform 9 ¾. A blend of smoke and mist blurred my vision, softening the hard edges of reality. The air carried a tranquillity, embodying a sensation as if time had paused in its relentless march. However, the serenity was quickly shattered by the overwhelming agitation of students, families, and the constant hooting from owls in their cages.

For a brief moment, the intensity of the man's gaze had faded from my thoughts, replaced by an influx of unfamiliar faces that surrounded me as I navigated my way through the platform. Being a transfer student, there seemed to be a heightened curiosity among my peers as I walked past them. Yet, it's not their eyes that sent a tremor down my spine. An unknowable force seemed to pull at me from behind, an insistent feeling that someone's strong gaze was boring into the back of my skull. Suppressing the urge to look back, I fixed my attention forward. Heading towards the awaiting train, I located an unoccupied compartment where I settled myself in, allowing myself to gather my thoughts.

Sitting alone in the quiet compartment, my view of the passing landscape was rather obstructed by the dust that had settled against the windows. I glided my hand over the window, clearing part of the dust off. The repeating clatter of the train wheels mirrored the sudden conflict that had arisen within me. Amid the constant cadence, memories and uncertainties waged a silent battle. As the other students passed by, some sparing a glance at my compartment, a feeling of isolation settled in. They left me to observe as they made their way to their friends' compartments. I couldn't help but compare my new peers to the ones I had known at Beaubaxtons.

Except him.

His eyes were like ancient manuscripts, pages filled with inscrutable tales waiting to be deciphered, the rich brown depths concealing secrets as profound and unfathomable as the concealed mysteries lingering in the depths of shadows.

It wasn't more than a passing instant, but the station had left me with a particular sense of disquiet, the encounter with the enigmatic man echoing in my mind. I recalled the intensity of his gaze and the unvoiced intrigue it had sparked within me. The way he had carried himself, the aura of mystery that surrounded him – it was as if my instincts had sensed his magic before my mind could comprehend it. Looking back, I was certain it was his eyes that had followed me earlier as I embarked on the train. The knowledge that he, too, was bound for the same school as I was, ignited a curious excitement in my chest, a fluttering sensation that eluded complete comprehension.

Each bend in the track carried me further away from the familiar and deeper into the unknown. As my journey continued, the train's gangway gradually emptied, leaving only a small number of voices weaving through the air. Despite my initial solitude, it wasn't long before the last of the train's souls were inevitably drawn to my previously quiet space. As the compartment's door slid open relentlessly, I was greeted by more unfamiliar faces, every one of them portraying exhaustion from searching and eagerness to find a spot. Apologetic glances were exchanged, a silent acknowledgement of the intrusion, before their expressions brightened at the sight of the seemingly unoccupied seats.

The train ride seemed to pass by in an unexpected blur, the cadence of the wheels and the hum of conversation merging into a tranquillizing backdrop. Time appeared to hasten its pace, leaving me almost startled by how rapidly the landscape shifted outside the window. The unfamiliar scenery, once characterized by open fields, gradually gave way to the dense woods that surrounded Hogwarts, an enrapturing transformation that held my attention in its grasp.

The dense trees gradually relinquished their embrace, allowing slivers of the moonlight to pierce the shadows. Amid the scenery, the Hogwarts castle began to emerge, as though revealing a closely guarded secret to those fortunate enough to witness it. The castle stood resolute, its aged stones and intricate architecture giving it an air of timeless wisdom.

The train finally slowed to a halt, marking our arrival at the station. As I stepped onto the platform, the brisk night air embraced me, carrying a sense of anticipation with it. One of my peers nearly collided with me as I abruptly stopped in my tracks. Hastily, I offered my apologies, my words somewhat detached as my attention remained ensnared by the captivating beings in the distance. The thestrals, their dark forms and haunting beauty, held my gaze in an unfathomable trance.

As my surroundings scurried with activity, I took a cautious moment to observe those around me. However, it seemed evident that I was the only one who could perceive these ethereal creatures, their presence veiled from the eyes of the majority. That is, until our gazes met – Mattheo Riddle's and mine.

He passed my compartment numerous times during the train ride, even though my thoughts often held me at a distance from reality, rendering me oblivious to his presence. I heard the students who had joined me murmur his name numerous times as he continuously reappeared outside our compartment. They were baffled by his choice to wander past the standard compartments, apparently, it was a stark contrast to his usual preference for the more spacious ones on the opposite side of the train. As he reappeared at the Hogwarts station, unhindered by the dust-covered window that had obscured my view earlier, a revelation struck me – the impenetrable man I had encountered at Kings Cross was none other than Mattheo Riddle, the descendant of Lord Voldemort, the infamous perpetrator of the wizarding war.

Despite the gravity of the realization and the sinister aura that clung to his name, I found myself unable to escape the attraction that pulled me in his direction. It was as if an invisible thread bound us, tugging at my curiosity and stirring emotions that I struggled to get a grasp on. The whispers of his past and the shadows it cast did not diminish the intrigue that surrounded him. In fact, they only seemed to deepen the enigma, further entwining our fates in ways I was yet to fathom.

The brown depths, which had captivated me since King's Cross, held a knowing gleam. In that unspoken instant, I realized that he, too, could see the thestrals. With a subtle nod, Mattheo silently acknowledged the connection formed by our shared ability to witness what remained hidden from others. Though fleeting, the exchange communicated volumes, its significance transcending the limits of words. I couldn't help but offer a smile in his direction, an act that seemed to surprise him, even if he managed to conceal it.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I turned my attention back to the castle ahead. As I settled into one of the carriages, the exhilaration inside of me grew with each passing moment. Finally, the carriage came to a gentle stop, and I stepped onto the cobblestone path. Torchlight illuminated the way as I entered the grand entrance, my heart beating in rhythm with the echoes of those who had walked this path before.

Amidst the throngs of students, Professor McGonagall's presence emerged. With a warm yet assessing gaze, she approached me. "Miss [Last Name]" her voice carried a sense of authority, but her warm smile seemed to put me at ease."If you could follow me, please."

Guiding me through the corridors, Professor McGonagall led me to her private office. The room felt steeped in history, the shelves lined with dusty tomes and magical artefacts. With a reassuring nod, she motioned for me to sit.

The door closed behind me, shutting out the world and the mysterious brown depths that seemed to hold more questions than answers about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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