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to paint a picture, he said

i disagree with that, personally.

a dark room, so dark that no Reader can see. that's all you must know

A door creaked, and then closed.

Fast footsteps. A boy was in the room.

"Those who knock on forbidden doors, will be visited by the one who guards them."

The door opened and closed again. Now, a girl entered. This time, sounds of rain and wind and snow and thunder came through.

"Em-Ember! C'mon! We have to go! This isn't a good-" she fell over, coughing. A loud thump sounded across the room. The girl coughed again.

"We have- we have to-ow-go!" the girl said, slowly getting up and breathing hard.

"Jade–" the thunder was louder now, and the rain sounded like it was hitting the building much harder. There was a loud crack, and the power shut off. It sounded like an explosion. The girl jumped, coughing again.

"Ember! There's no TIME! We h-have to go! We were never meant to be here! This was a mistake!"

"Operation Maymark! Operation Maymark, NOW!" the boy called out over the radio.

"Ember! Ember, no! We have to- AGH- WE HAVE TO GO!"

There was a loud thump, and panicked breathing.

"Jade, hold on, I need to get this done!" the boy said. There were fast footsteps.

"There's no- there's no- there's no..." the girl said, a hand clutched to her now bleeding shoulder. She'd been shot.

The door opened again, but nobody came through. Shots rang out.

"Jade, get back!" the boy said, setting down a laptop and stepping in front of her. He pulled out a pistol, firing outside.

The boy looked back at the laptop. He crouched down, typing. A bullet struck him in the right-side of his chest. It went through his armor. He didn't notice.

"It's okay, Jade. Just fifteen more seconds."

The boy, still crouching, typed something on his watch. There was a loud hissing and fizzing sound, and blue sparks started appearing a few feet behind him. The boy pulled out his pistol again, firing into the foggy outdoors.

The room they were in was flooding now. There was so much rain., so much wind, so much thunder.


The boy looked over at the laptop again. He took off his backpack, sliding the laptop in and putting it back on his back.

"C'mon, Jade. We're going back," the boy said. He grabbed the girl, dragging her over to the blue sparks.

The rift finally opened with a loud whirring sound, a few feet above the ground. Shots and shouts rang out.

The boy lifted the girl up, placing her on the floor through the rift.

The sound of metal hitting the floor echoed. A wooden chair scraped against the floor.

"Ember- are you okay?" someone asked, pulling the girl through.

"NO TIME, HELP ME UP!" the boy yelled over the thunder and rain and wind and everything.

The boy then climbed up onto the floor through the rift, closing it.

Operation Maymark was go.

for the ember military, i suppose.
is that really what they say?
hm, i'd think it'd be a bit more creative. oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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