forty-eight | screw the plan

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Rose was quick behind Logan, following the brunette past Sarah's motionless body and down the staircase. He was in no mood to talk to her, though, or play into any of her many incidental questions. What she needed right now didn't matter to him in the slightest— not when she'd just drugged Sarah. And whether her intentions had been genuine or not, he really couldn't give a shit less.

"Wait! Logan!" Rose called out, reaching the landing and setting a hand on his shoulder.

He turned back to her just as they stepped through the entryway, giving Rafe a clear view of them. "What?"

"What Sarah told me, it's—"

"She said there's a dead body in the truck, right?" Rafe interjected.

Rose stayed utterly still.

"Yeah. That's Renfield." Rose began to shake her head, but Rafe decidedly closed the distance between them. "I didn't do shit. I didn't do shit, okay?"

"It was Limbrey." Logan deadpanned.

Rafe glanced at him before his gaze flickered back to their stepmother. "She shot him, and we took the truck, and left the old lady at the hangar, all right? I got the cross for all of us. We did that, okay? Okay?!"

Rose flinched at his sudden outburst.

"And I was just getting ready to take care of Renfield when—" He waved his hand around. "We suddenly had guests. You know, you should should be thanking me."

There was a pause.

"Do what you have to do with the body." Rose murmured, subsequently lifting a folded piece of paper in the air. "And here's the note. Make sure they'll see it."

Rafe smirked, fingers curling around the lie. He slipped the note into his jacket pocket before redirecting his attention to Logan. "Stay here; help Rose. I don't want you anywhere near this."

Logan swallowed hard with a nod. "See you in two hours."

"See ya." He echoed, turning back to the door.

"Rafe, get the cross to the wharf. Someone'll meet you there." Rose directed, meeting his gaze one last time.

"I'm on it." He concluded, quickly exiting through the front door.

Before Logan even had a chance to let out a breath, Rose was facing him again. "Go upstairs. Take Kori's phone, make sure she's still out. Then check on Wheezie. Got it?"

"Got it." Logan repeated, brushing past her.

As he reached the door and pushed it open, he felt his heart stop. Kori was, in fact, still out, body lying on the floor a few feet from the entrance. Logan forced down the vomit brewing in the bottom of his stomach and stepped over the puddle of alcohol that had formed by his feet. Sarah had thrown it in her rage to get out, shards of glass also littering the ground.

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