Pilot [2]

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"I'm hungry. You wanna stop somewhere?" Henry asked as the two kids rode in Emma's yellow bug Volkswagen back to Storybrooke.

Avery snorted.

"This is not a road trip. We're not stopping for snacks," Emma said.

"Why not?" Henry voiced.

"Quit, complaining Henry. She's taking us home," Avery said as she closed her eyes to try and catch up on sleep.

Emma glanced over as Henry took out his storybook. "What's that?"

"I'm not sure you're ready," Henry claimed.

"Ready for some fairy tales?"

"Oh, boy," Avery smirked.

"They're not fairy tales," Henry argued. "They're true. Every story in this book actually happened,"

"Of course they did," Emma sighed.

"Use your superpower; see if I'm lying,"

"Just because you believe something doesn't make it true," Avery pointed out.

Henry turned around to face the teen. "That's exactly what makes it true." he looked at Emma. "You should know more than anyone,"

"Why is that?" Emma questioned.

"Henry..." Avery warned.

"Because you're in this book," Henry admitted.

"Oh, kid," Emma sighed, "you've got problems,"

"Yup," Henry smiled, "and you're gonna fix them,"


Emma's yellow bug pulled into the town of Storybrooke, the streets desolate and wet from the rain that had just passed through.

"Okay, kids. How about an address?" Emma asked.

"44, Not-Telling-You Street," Henry claimed.

Avery had to brace herself as Emma slammed on the brakes of the vehicle.

Emma slammed the door as she got out of the Volkswagen. "Look, it's been a long night, and it's almost..." She looked up at the clock tower "8:15?"

"That clock hasn't moved in my whole life," Avery noted as she got out of the vehicle.

"Time is frozen here," Henry reasoned.

"Excuse me?" Emma questioned as Avery groaned and threw her head back in frustration.

"The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here,"

"Hang on. An Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairy tale characters here?"

"Yeah, and now they're trapped,"

"Frozen in time. Stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what you're going with?"

"It's true," Henry argued.

"Then why doesn't everybody just leave?"

"They can't. If they try, bad things happen,"

"Henry? Avery?"

Avery looked up as Archie walked over with his Dalmatian, Pongo.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Archie asked. "Is everything all right?"

"We're fine, Archie," Avery replied.

"Who's this?"

"Just someone trying to give them a ride home," Emma replied.

Avery felt her phone vibrate in her pocket at the mention of home.

"She's my mom, Archie," Henry admitted proudly.

"Oh, I see," Archie said in shock.

"You know where they live?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, sure. Henry lives just right up on Mifflin Street. The mayor's house is the biggest one on the block,"

Emma looked down at Henry with disdain. "You're the mayor's kid?"

"Maybe," Henry muttered.

"Where were you today, Henry? 'Cause you missed our session," Archie noted.

Avery turned abruptly towards Henry. "You told me they knew!"

Archie nodded and knelt at Henry's level. "Henry, what have I told you? Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything,"

"Okay. Well, I really should be getting them home," Emma said.

"Actually, I'll walk the rest of the way." Avery held up her phone. "My dad's still at his shop, and it's just back there," she pointed to the pawn shop.

Emma raised a questioning eyebrow.

Dr. Hopper put a hand on Avery's shoulder.  "I'll make sure she gets home safe,"

Emma nodded.

"Good luck, Henry," Avery called out as she began walking towards her father's store. She watched the yellow bug drive off before opening the store door, the jingle of the bell signaling her entrance.

"How was the trip?" Avery's father asked as he walked out with his cane.

"Eventful," Avery shrugged as she got the broom out to sweep the shop. "Although I fear Madame Mayor might retaliate against me, seeing as Henry didn't tell her of our little trip,"

"Don't you worry about her, dearie. I'll handle things if there's a problem,"

Avery smiled up at her father. "Thanks, Papa,"

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