Runo Rules.

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Mom: "Daniel!"

Mom: "Daniel, how long can you sleep? Dinner's already over."

Julie: "Ahh, it's good that you and Drago are friends again."

Dan: "I know."

Alice: "I was afraid that after you threw Drago in the river, we'd never see him again."

Runo: "You know Dan? I can't believe Drago came back to you, sometimes it's hard to bear with you Dan."

Dan: "And what do you know Runo? You hardly know how to treat a Bakugan."

Runo: "Yes? We get along great, Dan."

Tigrerra: "I admit, she treats me really well."

Runo: "Isn't Tigrerra so cute?"

y/n: "Let's not stoop to the point where we're arguing if we do or do not know how to treat a Bakugan, okay?"

Marucho: "y/n has a point.  And let's focus on Masquerade, he's a danger to all of us, he wants to take our Bakugans away."

Runo: "Hey you didn't have to remind me about that!"

Mom: "Daniel, are you there? Wake up!"

My mom said to me as she entered my room.

Mom: "Daniel? Why aren't you talking?"

Dan: "Oh hey mom, I didn't hear you call me."

Mom: "I'm starting to get worried about you."

Mom: "Anyways, I have a little quest for you."

Dan: "Whaaat?"

(The three a's are not a grammar mistake, the Polish voice actor says "what" In polish like that so I'm writing it like that.)

Dan: "Can't you see that I'm talking to my friends right now?"

Mom: "They can wait. Now head for the groceries to the supermarket."

Dan: "Huh?"

Dan: "But mom, I wanted to relax today."

Mom: "Today's a tenderloin promotion, your favorite!"

She said as there was a newspaper thing with "40% Off" next to the tenderloin.

Dan: "Ohh that's great! I haven't had them in a long time!"

Runo POV

Runo: "Tell me this is a joke!"

Runo: "Why do I have to work here dad, why? I hate being a waitress! It's the most boring job out of every in this world!"

Dad: "Runo, your mom and I are happy when you're here."

Runo: "Nevermind, but in an empty restaurant I won't even get one broken cent!"

Dad: "It's always like this with this weather."

Mom: "Look around Runo, your dad is bragging about you everytime he is here. He turned this place into a fantube of his princess. You would think he has some pictures of me, but no. I think I need therapy."

Dad: "Well, you know, a father should be proud of his only daughter."

My dad said while having an akward giggle.

Runo: "Eughhh I have the weirdest parents ever."

Mom: "You know Runo, we have little customers today so maybe you could do something for me?"

Centipoid brawler. (Bakugan x male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now