First names

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"Hey Ochako!" Deku called out to Uraraka. Right when he said her name, he knew exactly when he screwed up, calling her by her first name. Uraraka stood speechless once he said her name. Her face became bright red and she tried to figure out what just happened. "Uhmm, what d-did you say?" Asked Uraraka. She decided to play along and see what happens... "UHM I HEH I-I SAID "HEY U-URARAKA" I SAID Y-YOUR LAST NAME L-LIKE AL-ALWAYS HEH *AWKWARD NERVOUS LAUGHTER*" Deku said as blood flushed his cheeks pink. Uraraka thought it was cute when he was awkward and flustered, so she kept playing along... "Oh sorry! I gotta go! See you later!.... Izuku." She gave a small chuckle when she said his first name. Deku looked at her with widdened eyes and his whole face turned red as he tried to get a word out. Uraraka walked away like nothing ever happened. "HEY WAIT! U-uhm." Deku called out. Uraraka turned around and look at Deku, paying full attention to what he was saying...
"You s-said my f-first na-name... W-why?" Deku was fidgeting with his hand crazy. "Well, it fits you more, and it's an adorable name! For an adorable person 😘🤗." Somehow, Deku's face was even more red then before, even the tips of his ears were red. "Hey Urar-... Ochako? J-just for the record, I think you're n-name is pre-pretty adorable as well... " He said with an awkward smile scratching the back of his next sheepishly. This made uraraka blush a bit and slightly break character from this little skit she pulled on him. She winked at him and hopped away. And Deku just sat absolutely frozen trying to process what had happened just then.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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