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Harry heard quite crying coming from the second floor bathroom. Cautiously, he walked over to the door and gently knocked on it.

"Go away." Came Ginny's muffled response.

"It's Harry, not a ginger prick." He called softly.

The door opened ever so slightly; a pair of brown, bloodshot eyes stared back at him.

"Oh, hello Harry." She sniffed.

Somehow, even when crying, Harry thought that Ginny Weasley managed to look absolutely beautiful.

"Can I come in?" Harry asked.

Ginny nodded and opened the door just wide enough for Harry to slip into the bathroom. Ginny locked the door behind him and tried to hold in her tears as she faced Harry.

"Did you want something." She whispered hoarsly, struggling to get the words out her mouth.

"You don't have to hold back your tears Gin."  Harry whispered.

That was all it took for Ginny to break down in tears. Harry pulled her into a hug and held her close to his chest, resting his chin on the top of her head. As his shirt was slowly getting wetter and wetter from Ginny's crying, he rubbed her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry Harry." she mumbled as she pulled away from the hug.

"You don't have to be sorry Gin." Harry responded, wiping the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

She looked up at him and stated "I'm sorry Ron is mad at you."

Harry waved the apology off and smiled "eh it's no bother, I seem to be in the presence of someone much kinder, funnier, smarter and definitely a lot hotter."

Ginny blushed "you don't mean that, I look like a mess."

"You look gorgeous Gin," Harry announced, "the prettiest girl in the world."

"Stop lying, besides you're only saying that because I'm Ron's little sister. There's no way you could actually like me." Ginny sighed, staring at the floor.

Harry couldn't believe his ears. How could Ginny think that he didn't like her? There was no way he was that discrete. Harry tilted her head up with his finger so that they were staring into each others eyes. Emerald green met chocolate brown.

"Ginny, in case you didn't know, I don't just see you as Ron's little sister. I see you as an amazing girl. A brave, intelligent, hilarious, kind, fiery, loyal and extremely stunning girl. And trust me, I really do like you. A lot. So much I can't even explain it. It's as though I couldn't bare to be separated from you.  It's almost as though I like you too much for someone who's only just confessing that they have a crush on someone." Harry announced, his voice only just about a whisper.

Ginny stared into his eyes, feeling the truth radiate out of them. She gasped quietly before responding with a small smirk "I think that you are pretty handsome yourself Potter, one hell of a person to be friends with and someone who I definitely wouldn't complain if you kissed me right here, right now."

"Your wish is my command." Harry murmured before tentatively brushing his lips against Ginny's. Nervously, she kissed him back. It was blissfully serene. Nothing else mattered apart from the chaste movement of lips on lips.

When they broke apart, they both beamed. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and walked over to unlock the door, "come on, we don't want to miss lunch."

Harry chuckled "that's true, I don't want to miss a meal because I was kissing my girlfriend."

Ginny turned around to face Harry faster than it takes to say 'Ron is a prat'. She looked at Harry, wide-eyed before her grin widened so she resembled the Cheshire cat.

Chuckling, Harry let himself be dragged off upstairs and back to the room they had been cleaned some half hour ago.

"Did you want to tell people or keep it quiet?" Harry whispered, just as they finished walking down the stairs.

"Keep quiet until I can be sure that you won't get killed by the overprotective arseholes that call themselves my brother's." Ginny responded quietly.

Harry nodded, "can I tell Sirius and Rem though?"

Ginny smiled in response "of course, they are your family after all."

Harry gently kissed her cheek, "Thanks Gin."

"You're welcome Harry." She responded as they walked back into the room.

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