Chapter 4

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No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't wrap your mind around how you ended up in this predicament. Had you perhaps blacked out in front of everyone at the church? Unlikely, you faintly remember running from something, but what? "A new arrival!" An unfamiliar voice said to your left, and then to your right, "Hello? Helloooo? (Y/n) darling?" Startled, your eyes snapped open at the sudden realization of your predicament. That voice. That oh-so-haunting voice brought back all of your memories in an instant. "What happened?? What's going on??" You sat up and adjusted your eyes to the dimly lit scenery before you.

"Poor thing must have fainted!" The corpse, of whom you had been running from before, stated to the skeleton beside him before getting pushed aside by a smaller skeleton in what appeared to be a sailor uniform, "She's still soft!" He exclaimed, while jabbing a stick into your side causing you to quickly jump up and back away from all the gazing lifeless eyes before you, "What's going on?? Where am I??" After your outburst, the entire room went silent. No one dared make a peep for fear of upsetting you more, making you collect yourself just slightly while looking at the familiar corpse before you and asking in a more calming but stern tone of voice, "Better question, who are you?"

That question must've struck a cord because everyone's gaze also seemed to shift to the corpse, resulting in him taking in a shaky breath and shifting uncomfortably in his spot before speaking, "Well... That's kind of a long story..."

Just then, the lights on a nearby stage turned on, revealing a giant blue dog, with patches and stitching littered about his body, and a big chunk missing out of his face showing bits of his skull. He directed his gaze to you and slowly made his way to the edge of the stage before finally speaking with a voice smooth as butter, with a serious but lighthearted tone to it, "And what a story it is, my friend." He smirked, and extended his hand out to the seat just below the stage at the front, gesturing for you to take a seat, but before you could react, two skeletons came up and hoisted you up to the front row and sat you down into the seat themselves. Seemingly making sure you don't leave and certainly making sure you had no choice in the matter.

"Gather around, those new and old, while I tell you all a story about our Darling so cold. A story so vile it'll make you all sick-" a random voice from the crowd cut in and yelled out, "Stop with the rhyming!!" The dog's eye twitched before shouting back, "Quiet down Frank!" While the comedian-like dog bickered back and forth with the random guy in the crowd you decided to try and get your breathing under control so you can focus on looking for an opportunity to make a run for it, although that was deemed difficult considering you were in what appeared to be the underground, and having no signs indicating that you can just walk on out of here you figured the most logical thing you could try was going up. Having finished bickering the dog cleared his throat and redirected his gaze back onto you, "I'm all out of rhymes anyways, but our little Darling has quite the story to be told." You looked up to him and said with a strained smile, "That's what I hear."

The dog smiled and patted you on the shoulder, "Believe me, you haven't heard anything yet." He then extended his arm back behind him gesturing for the lights to come on, and for another person to appear on stage beside him before starting to act out the story behind a thin sheet so only their shadows were seen, which you hated to admit, you found this all rather impressive. "Our little Darling had it all, riches and a fair young maiden he wanted to spend his life with. To his knowledge, she wanted the same as him, telling him to grab all his belongings and meet up in the forest so they could run away and start a life together. Upon hearing this our little Darling planned the perfect proposal. He'd dress up and ask her for her hand in marriage at their meeting spot, thus marking the start of their new lives together."

You couldn't help the faintest smile growing on your face from the wholesome story being told and acted out before you, but upon picking up on the gloomy atmosphere their play had started to express your smile quickly faded. "Our Darling was quick to pack his stuff and gussying up so he could hurry back out into the forest to meet with the young maiden." You didn't realize it at first, but everyone in the room had started to move closer to the stage, thus surrounding you in the process, "And then?" Everyone leaned forward in anticipation to hear the rest of the story. "He waited, three long hours within the fog." The crowd, still hanging onto his every word moved ever so closer, "And then?" The dog smirked, "He heard rustling within the forest." Everyone's proximity was causing your body to shake, "And then??" "There in the shadows, was it his maiden?" They're all insufferably close to one another, and you. "And then??"

The dog dramatically placed his hands over his heart, "His little heart beat soooo loud!" Two skeletons placed their hands onto both of your shoulders causing your heart to temporarily freeze and your breath to get caught in your throat, "And then??" The actress made a move as if swinging an ax at the dog before the lights went black. "And then, there was darkness." When the lights turned back on the sheet was gone as well as the actress and the dog returned to his original spot on the stage. You made eye contact, causing your face to pale, thus making him smirk before continuing, "When he opened his eyes he was dead as dust, his jewels were missing and his heart was bust. So he made a vow dying under that tree that he'd wait for his true love to come and set him free!" The dog reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you on stage with him, "And you my dear are the lucky young maiden who gets to marry our corpse groom!" The dog exclaimed, making the crowd cheer and began approaching the two of you, which made you start shaking all over again.

Among the cheering and constant handshakes as well as the occasional pat on the back, you noticed a staircase just off to the side of the stage leading up and made a dash for it while no one seemed to be paying attention, but unfortunately, someone was paying attention.

(With the Pillar's)

Everyone seemed to be gathered in the living area of the manor, each person worrying about something entirely different. "Howdy, come away from the window and sit by the fire." Mrs. Pillar stated while sipping from her tea, an irritated look never leaving her face. "Yes, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, (Y/n) will be back any moment now. She's afraid of the dark and it's getting far too cold." Your mother stated in a matter-of-fact tone, which reassured no one. After a few moments of silence and constant pacing, Howdy excused himself to his room, and not long after Julie walked into the room. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news everyone, but I think it would be in your best interests to see this." She briskly walked over and handed Mrs. Pillar a fresh newspaper article before taking a seat with everyone else.

"What's this? The (L/n) bride seen running off with a mystery man?" Your mother nearly spit out her tea upon hearing this, "Mystery man? But (Y/n) doesn't know any other men!" Mr. Pillar, absolutely enraged by the news, slams his tea cup onto the floor before grabbing his gun from off of the mantle. Your father, however, jumped up from his seat and snatched the gun from Mr. Pillar's hands. "There's no need for that! I'm sure it was just a slow news day! You know how that goes, they'll come up with anything to try and get a rise out of people." Mrs. Pillar cuts in, "But what if it's true? Then the wedding will just have to be called off and we'll have to look elsewhere for a suitable bride." Not being so fond of that idea your mother sprang up out of her chair, "At least give us till dawn to look for her before making such a decision!" Mrs. Pillar looked to her husband, both making a silent agreement before nodding, "Very well, till dawn." Not wanting to waste any more time, your parents took their leave to begin their search for you.

Mrs. Pillar sat and let out an exaggerated sigh, "What are we going to do?" Julie, finally deciding to speak up, stated with fake concern, "You know, I do feel for Howdy, I can't believe that (L/n) woman would do such a thing. Why, if I had a man like Howdy I would spoil him with the finest riches and give him all his heart's content." Mrs. Pillar handed Julie a cup of tea, "Your husband must be one lucky fellow Lady Julie." Julie hid a smirk behind her glass before exclaiming, "Oh! I'm not married. You see the man I was to marry was.. Tragically taken from me." Mr. and Mrs. Pillar looked at each other, both forming a newfound plan within their minds. 

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