Chapter 8

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(Another short chapter I'm sorry! I know I'm rushing through this, but I plan on editing it, or just flat-out rewriting it in the future so I'll probably go into more details then, but for now, there's this.)

(With you)

After announcing that the wedding ceremony will be held upstairs everyone seemed to spring to life, as ironic as that is. Everyone immediately started bustling about, Poppy preparing the cake, Barnaby helping Wally tailor his suit, Frank and Eddie, mostly Frank, getting the actual ceremony prepared as well as the guest list. Which, to your understanding, is everyone down here. Everyone seemed to be taking part in something, all the while running it by you and Wally to make sure everything was to your guy's liking. You were so caught up in the commotion it didn't even dawn on you that you needed to prepare yourself as well, having completely forgotten about the rips and tears scattered about your clothes. That is until you were pulled away by a very enthusiastic Sally, having needles and thread practically falling out of her pockets.

"There you are silly! You need to get ready for your big day! You can't go up there looking like you were in a fight with a pack of wolves!" You laughed and held your arms out and stood still so Sally could get to work on your clothes, and from how fast she was working you were surprised she didn't nick you even once! You supposed having to make her props for her plays she must have years of experience with sewing. "Looking pretty captivating if I do say so myself!" Sally stood, crossed her arms, and proceeded to look over your now-finished clothes with a proud and satisfied look on her face. "Thanks, Sally, it looks amazing!" She smiled and started fixing your hair, "Gee thanks, but it's the model that makes the outfit shine bright." You were taken aback by her compliment, she was so nice. You tried to remember the last time someone was so nice to you and could only come up with one person, Howdy, and the more you thought about it, the more you realized that he could have just been trying to make a good first impression.

So, having shaken that thought from your mind, you hugged Sally and said your thanks before hearing a bunch of gasps spread throughout the room, You tried to look for the source of this reaction and failed, leaving Sally to grab you by the shoulders and spin you around to see Wally, all dressed up, and slowly making his way through the crowd with a big smile on his face, with Barnaby trailing behind him. You were stunned, he looked so charming, so happy. You felt content knowing that you, a failure in your parent's eyes, and a disgrace to everyone in town, could make someone feel so happy and content in this moment. You wanted him to feel like that forever. Unbeknownst to you, you had an awestruck look as well as a smile planted on your face which didn't go unnoticed by Sally. "Go on then! Go talk to your groom!" Your groom? That's right, he was your groom.

You smiled and waved to Sally before going over to Wally. Although, the closer you got, the more nervous you became. Why were you nervous? "H-hi Wally!" You mentally facepalmed yourself for stuttering, "Hello Darling." A deep shade of red adorned his cheeks once he got a good look at you, "My, aren't you just the most..." He couldn't finish his sentence, nor could he come up with anything else to say. Your beauty couldn't be defined by words alone, and he wanted nothing more than for you to know that, but he just couldn't find the words to speak any more than that. You, on the other hand, were crimson. He didn't say much, but by the look in his eye, he didn't need to. A swarm of emotions clouded them and it almost made you want to cry, he was so pure, down to his core and it left you almost speechless. So, with what little you could muster before you completely shut down you sputtered out, "Th-thank you! Really, thank you. You look... You look absolutely breathtaking, and I do not wish to look away." Now was his turn to be crimson, his eyes were wide and he felt as if his knees were gonna buckle. He felt so lucky to have you and he was gonna make sure you knew it. Somehow...

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