Chapter 6

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(To make up for the last chapter being so short here is a longer one)

Once the darkness disappeared you were greeted by the cool breeze and the beautiful glow of the moonlight. A faint gasp from beside you grabbed your attention, the groom was gazing almost teary-eyed at the moon, taking in its beauty. "I've spent so long in the darkness I had almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is..." His comment pulled at your heart for a moment before you remembered what you were doing here, you turned to talk to the groom but found him not next to you anymore. Instead, he was wandering around, gaze focused solely on the moon, not paying attention to his surroundings before tripping on a root and face-planting into the snow. You gasped, and quickly covered your mouth and looked away pretending you hadn't just seen that to save him from the embarrassment.

After picking himself up off of the ground the groom walked over to you and offered his hand, Even though you were confused you accepted and were pulled closer to him, to which he started dancing. You were flustered and nervous at first, not having danced with anyone before, but before you knew it you found yourself laughing and having a fairly good time. The groom had a goofy smile on his face making you laugh even more, making him laugh in return. Once your laughter calmed down you both gazed into each other's eyes, slowly moving closer, until you came back into realization and slightly pulled away, taking his hands into your own and sitting him down before clearing your throat, "So... I was thinking. It might be a good idea for me to... prepare Mother and Father before giving them the news." The groom smiled, "Sounds perfect to me." You released his hands and smiled, "Alright, I'll be right back then. You stay here." The groom straightened up and rested his hands in his lap, "Alright." You began to walk away before backtracking, "No peeking!" The groom chuckled and sat facing forward. After reassuring yourself that he wasn't going to move, you took off running towards town, determined to find one specific person.

(Short time skip)

After a few hours, the groom started to get restless. "What is taking so long?" Perhaps you should go look for her? No, she said she'd be right back... Although she is taking such a long time...maybe she just lost track of time? Surely it wouldn't hurt to go look for her then, right? The groom stood and took it upon himself to go find his beloved, no doubt in his mind that she surely must have just lost track of time, and nothing more.

(Back with you)

Once you finally found your way to town you ran up to the manor and noticed Howdy's bedroom light still on. So, you started climbing the gutters up the side of the manor, and once you got to the top you flopped yourself down over the railing of the patio, causing Howdy to jump up from his chair and run over to the patio door, "(Y/n)?? What are you doing out there?" He threw open the door and quickly helped you up to your feet. "Howdy? I'm so happy to see you!" Howdy took your hand in his and started leading you inside over to the fire, "You're as cold as death, come warm up." You both sat down across from each other in front of the fireplace, and once you caught your breath you sputtered out, "Howdy, I'm afraid I might not have time, but I just wanted you to know that before I met you I was terrified of marriage, but upon meeting you I couldn't help but think that our wedding couldn't come soon enough!" Your statement caused Howdy to become red and flustered, "Oh, (Y/n). I feel the same."

You smiled at each other, locking your gaze together. Both seemed to get lost in each other's eyes, but when you looked past Howdy you noticed a silhouette climbing over the railing of the patio, causing your face to become horrified, making a gasp escape past your lips. Howdy turned to look but was stopped once you placed a hand on his cheek and forced his attention back onto you, "Howdy, I need you to know that this was very sudden, but I seem to find myself married, and-" Just then the patio doors opened, letting in a huge gust of wind that directed both yours and Howdy's gaze towards the person who stood in the doorway.

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