Chapter one- My garage door takes a beating

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Before this year my life seemed perfectly normal, except for the fact that I had a crazy, bipolar mother, a dad that had serious anger issues, a few strange encounters with monsters, and last but not least a very, very bad case of ADD

My name is Stella Maris Donnoviel and I am 15 years old. Ever since I was little I knew that I was different, like I knew that one day I was going to be someone. I tried my best to be normal but if I asked any one of my friends they would say I was weird, and I agreed.

I have long, brown curly hair, which everyone is envious of, though I never understood why. My eyes are big, boring and can't decide whether they're blue, green, or grey, so most of the time they choose to be all three. My face is dotted with a sprinkle of freckles along my forehead, cheeks, and nose. The only thing I really am glad I have are my perfect teeth, I mean, they aren't 'perfect' but I never needed braces and they are perfectly straight, something everyone else is envious of too.

I have always tried hard to "blend" into the crowd, but I've always been pulled out of it and put on display for everyone. For example, in the seventh grade, one of my best friends stabbed me in the back and turned all of my other friends against me along with just about everyone else in our grade. Another time was in the fifth grade, when some kid who had told me he liked me framed me for putting my number in his locker, which then I hadn't even had a phone. And yet another was when my locker caught on fire for no apparent reason. Everyone in my classes thought I was a pyromaniac or something. That had happened this year, my freshman year. Of course, there were many other times where I was put in the spotlight, something I hated happening, and yet it happened way too often.

To be honest, I am very eager to please and way too loyal to the people I care about even if they treat me badly. I have two older sisters, one by a year and a half, another by three and a half. My eldest sister treats me like her servant, yet ever since I was little, I worshipped her. Now all my loyalty to her did was get me into trouble.

The loud bark of my dog brought me back to the present. I dwell on things too much and I get distracted most of the time.

I sighed and selected an arrow from my quiver. Yes, I am an archer, a pretty darn good one for that and whenever someone heard I was they would act so fascinated, claiming they'd never met an archer before. It was just something I'd decided I wanted to do, and I proved to be as good, even better than I had hoped.

I pulled back the string on my expensive Matthews compound bow and aimed for the beaten up X on the middle of by target. I took a deep breath and exhaled, letting go of the string as I did. I heard the familiar thwack of carbon meeting cardboard and stuffing and looked up, an arrow sprouting from the middle of the X.

"Wow, you're getting pretty good Stell." My mom called from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, of course I was good, I could shoot a bullseye in almost complete darkness, I didn't need someone to tell me I was good. I knew.

After I few moments of me not answering her she called out,"You know, you can't stay mad at me forever. You shouldn't blame me for your.... mistakes." She chose her words carefully.

Hearing the last sentence made me snap, that woman had gotten on my last nerve; blaming me for my sisters' stupid actions, yelling at me for my grade in science, calling me a lunatic because of the dreams I started to have. I almost shot the arrow in my hand straight throught the screen on the open window and shut her up but I restrained.

"My mistakes? Are you serious? How dare you even- I can't- I hate you." I snarled, then grabbed my quiver and bow and stormed out the side gate in our yard. She didn't understand how unfair she was being. I mean, I had warned my sister a million times not to sneak out, but she did anyway and I got sucked into her plan which of course ended with me getting in trouble. I only had a bad grade in science because I hated my teacher and she acted like science could solve anything. Which it really couldn't. And I also couldn't help having terrible dreams. My sisters complained about me waking them up yelling in my sleep or waking up screaming. I just didn't even care what my mom wanted me to be like anymore.

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