Chapter 7- The Prophecy

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"We can't keep fighting like this," Will explained, "Half of our camp is wounded."

"What are we supposed to do then? We have no one to help us. Some of you are still hoping there is help coming, when there's none," Butch grumbled. That's when I had a crazy idea.

"That's it! We can get help," I said, jumping up from my spot on the floor. Everyone gave me a tired look.

"Wow, I bet none of us have thought of that before," A kid from the Ares cabin mumbled. Clarisse punched him in the arm.

"Justin is right. Even if we did get help, who would we get it from?" Nyssa asked.

"My brother," I said without thinking. I saw Chiron flinch in the corner of the room.

"Um... Stella, your brothers are helping..." Connor reminded me. I sighed, knowing what I was going to have to tell everyone next.

"No. I- I'm not who you think I am. I don't belong here, I never will. My father is... my dad's Poseidon," I said quickly, looking down from everyone's cold stares. I wanted to get up and run from the room. I just wanted to run away from everything, become a normal person again. I didn't want to have anything to do with this, but I was here and I wasn't going to leave these people to die.

"So... Your mom's not Athena..." Malcom said slowly.

I shook my head, "No, she is."

"That's not possible," Malcom began, a few other campers gasped, "Athena and Poseidon... You're a demigod though."

"It's a long story," Chiron cantered over to save me from the long explanation. "But your brother is in Tarturas, you can't save him." I stared at Chiron, finally realizing why I was here.

"Apollo was right, Chiron. I'm here for an important reason, it's just not one I expected. I'm supposed to save him, aren't I?" I finally understood what Apollo meant. I didn't belong here at all, I was supposed to save Percy and Annabeth, and I had a feeling I wasn't going to get out of there with them.

"Go find Rachel, this is your quest," Chiron said grimly.

I turned to leave, but Connor grabbe my arm. "What? No! You can't do this!"

"I don't think you have a say in what I do," I snapped, pulling away from his grasp and walking silently to the door.

I found Rachel sitting on a bench outside her cave in the hills. She turned around before I was even halfway up the hill a if she were expecting me. Seeing her again gave me the chills, our first meeting hadn't exactly gone too smoothly, her eyes kept glowing green and she'd muttered something about about traveling feet. It was weird.

"Stella, I know why you've come to see me. I know what you will ask, but you will not like what I have to tell you." Rachel stood to greet me.

"I know, but I have to help them. They need me." Rachel nodded, but her eyes began to glow green and mist swirled around her feet.

"You shall go to the horror none would dare,

And face the Earth queen's rocky lair.

Find the fallen heroes and their home of ruin,

But be lost yourself with no solution.

Loss shall heal the rivals' wounds,

And great deeds shall rein renewals.

The outcast hero must succeed,

Or the fallen ones shall bleed,

And the earth will be freed."

We were both silent after the prophecy, I had goosebumps even though it was a warm night. "I have to go get ready," I breathed before I bolted down the hill, seeking the comfort of the sea. I just wanted to be alone, but of course I never get my way. Chiron was waiting for me near the dunes, knowing I would want to run away when I heard it.


"What?! I did either way! You knew that, they knew that!" I slumped down into the San near Chiron's feet, resting my head on my knees. "It's hopeless. I was a pig raised for slaughter, why should I care about them? They knew I was going to die all along. That's why they didn't kill me."

"It's fate, we can't change it." Chiron slung a black backpack off his shoulder and dropped it next to me. "But we can prepare for it. I have not known you for long, my dear, but you remind me of Percy and Annabeth very much. They fight for what they believe in, no matter how tough or hopeless. You're a fighter, fight for us."

I stood up and nodded, then walked down the beach remembering what Hades had told me. I need my dather's help, he just doesn't know it yet.


It's short, I know. And it's been like 2 months since I've updated, and I'm really sorry. I will really try hard to update sooner and have longer chapters! It's been some painful, scary and crazy couple of weeks! Hope you enjoy the chapter, even though it's short..../: I'm sorry! I'll update soon, no promises!(;

~mad the cat

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