1995 summer

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That summer, I enrolled at a sports academy, named The Black Diamond.

While listening to our Coach Glizerda, while she was teaching if what should we do, for the tasks, activities, in which sport we are fit and what sport we liked. I like tennis so, I chose that one. Something caught my attention when I looked around, as if I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. I heard he and other athletes on his side was a baseball player. Cool. He was interesting

Blue eye's
white hair
His attractive gesture’s
smiled and talked coolly, with his skateboard?

“So this is Draft,” My attention returned to Coach Glizerda “Raddle, Cannon, Tame—” It was Him.

I think we were on the same age, I think most of us here which i requested from my Dad, if I would join to a sports club nor academy, to learn more.

Coach Ferdi, one of our coaches introduce’s us through each other, those of us who haven’t met yet. Because they want us to get along well with each other and be a good friends, if it could be.

We do shake hands, i say ‘Hi' to each one of us. He said 'Hi' to me, Tame. He already touch my hand.

So he was Tame

“Guys, They are the new members of our team. I hope you guy’s are set, and be good together, Okay?” Coach Ferdi and Coach Glizerda reminded us.

“Yes, Coach!” Most of us answered.


“Hi! You’re...uhm...” He was thinking

“Enes” The other guy was whispering to his ear, his hand covered his mouth like he didn’t want me to hear what he says, but I already heard it

I stood up “Hello... He’s right, I’m Enes. If I’m not mistaken you two are Raddle and Draft?”

“Yah” Draft said, smiling.

They have a Chip’s, junked food’s. Draft offered me some, asked me if I want some. I didn’t eat those kind of chip’s, maybe rarely. But i said ‘Yeah sure’

And that’s where our friendship started.

They were the first one’s who I got closed to. then they introduced me to their other colleague’s or are close to them. I didn’t think that they would make me feel comfortable with them nor talked and approach them that day, it seems like embarrassing for me. But! They are good and naughty, at the same time


ANOTHER DAY to enter The Black Diamond’s. I have enjoyed this place so far. Especially they are kind, and approachable.

When we got break time. I saw Tame with Cannon, Boch, and other members. I assumed they’re closed as friend’s?

I also have my Tennis colleagues. Enjoy of playing, i’m actually laughing with them. Well I’m actually open for friendship, but I didn’t trust anyone, most of the time, especially to those new person’s i met. Also i didn’t attempt to approach Tame, i don’t have the courage to get along well with him

Speaking of

Tame was laughing with them. enjoying their conversation while eating their snacks. I just continued eating.

I remember my other friend’s in 2nd year High. It’s my early High school day’s but for a mean time, It’s still summer so, It’s still vacation. And here i was, Entered here at The Black Diamond’s because of my Daddy’s recommendation actually, Because of the reason I was bore whole day for staying in our house.



"Thanks Dad!! Pick me up...about...4 nor 5?”

“Okay, sweetheart. Be kind! improve, and you will make yourself a professional Tennis player!”

“Uhhh... Really Dad? You making fun of me”

“I wasn’t joking” He said adorably, shrugged his shoulders.

Enes kissed her Dad through his cheeks, and hugged him tight before she said goodbye to him, then, her Dad started the engine of the car and about to left.

Tame saw it. He got curious about Enes, he smiled at the idea that she was a family oriented or closed to her parents.


Enes fixing her thing’s while suddenly. Tame look’s at her. He thinks to do something. He stood up and make excused to his friends. He stepped towards where Enes was sitting on the metal stairs.

“Hi!” He finally speak

Enes looked up to him, He was standing in front of her. Tame was taller than her

“Hey,” Enes stood up.

“How’s your staying here? You’re Enes right”

“Yup. It was good so far, for me, it was great and glad to experience these things, how about...you?” She casually said.

“It was enjoyable.” Tame answered, thrifty. “Anyway’s would you mind to join with us sometimes, playing baseball” He offered

"You? willing to teach me”

“Sure!” Tame was smiling, his tone was excited, also Enes smiled at him a lil’ bit

“Maybe, sure" Enes answered. “Aside from baseball. You also know how to...” Enes looked into the skateboard “I assume” Tame looked into his skateboard he was carrying, smirked and looked at Enes again

He nodded twice

“Yes. Absolutely, do you wanna try?” He offered, showed his skateboard to her “It was quite enjoyable”

Enes actually wasn’t sure but, she actually want to learn how to ride it.

“Really?” Tame nodded again, “Oh, I would like to”

“Are you not afraid for falling?” Enes suddenly stared at Him.

“I’d rather try than regret at the end, tried for the things that makes me happy”

Tame got amused for what she said

“It Make sense. truly” He agreed, Enes thrifty smiled at him.


There He taught me how the skateboard works. He taught me how to balance, even if I fell down, he was quite patient to me. how to operate and do basic trick’s.

I was enjoying the whole time. It was, a great experience, especially with him.

‘Urghh, uhh.... I got my final decision. He was now definitely captured my eyes,my attention. I really had a crush on him! terribly.’ Enes saying through her thoughts on her mind while looking at the ceiling in her room at that night.

THE BLACK DIAMOND  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ