Antique electronics

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When we're all in the jeep, we start trying to work out how the hell we are meant to get the pilot to talk to us. Pope points out that since the guy works for Ward Cameron, he most likely isn't going to talk very easily. JJ pulls out his gun, loading and preparing it.

"So then direct approach gets my vote," he says, admiring the weapon.

We all immediately go against his idea, telling him to put the gun away.

"Trying to avoid a felony, J," I point out.

"We gotta keep this simple or else we're never gonna get John B off," JJ argues.

"Or - or - and hear me out here, we plant someones phone in his car and listen in on my airpods," I suggest.

Pope agrees, taking my airpods from the cupholder in the front seat and connecting them to his phone. He gets it all sorted and tests it.

"We have audio," he announces.

I give a pointed look to JJ who looks disappointed as he puts the gun away.

"I think that's his house over there," Pope says as I pull over out the front.

"Remind me again how you found this guy?" I ask.

"Just a little light espionage," Pope says, vague as anything, "honk or uh... yell or something if you see anything suspicious."

"Don't do anything dangerous," Kiara tells him quietly, making JJ and I shoot a knowing look to one another.

The whole "be safe" situation with John B runs through my mind and I stifle a laugh.

"Come on, I'm not JJ," Pope argues.

"Funny, Pope," JJ calls as Pope gets out of the car.

"He says it like it's a bad thing to be me. I get the best ass in town," JJ says, sliding a hand up my thigh and squeezing it for emphasis.

"Seriously JJ?" Kiara says, sounding disgusted.

"I'd offer to share but I get jealous easily," JJ jokes with a grin.

I slap a hand on JJ's shoulder, silently trying to tell him to shut up. Considering who my boyfriend is, it doesn't work.

"How's it been going, with Pope and all?" He asks Kiara.

"It's good," Kiara answers, avoiding eye contact with both of us.

"It's good? All right. In the bedroom is he like kind of freaky, coz it's Pope you know?" He asks.

I close my eyes, knowing this is not about to end well.

"Why are you asking?" Kiara asks.

"I don't know, just kind of curious," JJ admits, "just spitballing here."

"You don't need to spitball. We could sit in silence," Kiara says, looking out the window uncomfortably.

JJ opens his mouth to say something again and I cut him off, "Jayj, honey, stop talking."

"I'm just curious. It's weird you know, them," he says.

"Just leave it be," I say, "I'm begging you."

"You know I like when you beg," he says quietly, his voice turning to almost a growl as he leans closer to me.

"JJ I do not need to know about this!" Kiara squeals from the back seat, putting her hands over her ears.

I pinch my lips together, trying to hold back a laugh. I'm sure my cheeks are red from JJ's comment, but there's not much I can do about that. At least not right now.

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