If this worked, I'd probably shoot you

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When we finally reach the bottom of all the trash and have combed through the water a bit we all stand back and sigh/groan in frustration.

"Well that was fun," JJ says.

"Well if it's not in the trash it's gotta be somewhere in the storm drain," Pope points out.

"It's in... it's in the drain," JJ says.

"Damn it," Pope says.

"Just our fucking luck," I say, trying to wipe the sweat off my forehead using my wrist since my hands are tainted with everyone's dirty trash.

"Of course it is," Kiara groans.

"So are we gonna do like rock, paper, scissors?" Kiara asks.

"Well, we did all the trash so it would make sense for you to do it, but of course we wouldn't want you to strain yourself so I guess it's up to one of the three of us," I say.

"Nope, nuh-uh," JJ says as he and Pope pull off the cover to the drain.

"In the sewer there is this worm that you get when you're down there. It gets into your blood and then it has to come out your pecker so uh, that would be a hard pass for me," JJ explains.

"Yeah it's gonna be a no for me," Pope agrees.

"I get it, you guys are scared," Kiara says.

"It's kind of cute," I say, making my way toward the drain as the boys argue about how they aren't scared.

I take a look in the hole and take a deep breath, savouring the semi-fresh air and mentally preparing myself. JJ grabs my arm and pulls me back a little.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Well you and Pope are afraid of a little worm, and Kiara wouldn't want her plastic to come off and taint the waterways, so I guess I'm going in," I reply.

"Well I'd really rather you not," he argues.

"She'd be right at home," Kiara mumbles, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Woah, harsh. Way harsh," Pope says, looking at Kiara with disgust.

"The fuck did you just say?" JJ asks, dropping my arm and turning to Kiara.

I debate turning around and slapping her but decide it's not worth it. I just pray JJ doesn't kill her as I get down and start to crawl through the feral water. Man I hope that worm thing is bullshit. At least I don't have to worry about brown snakes or red back spiders though, that's a bonus, right?

"Hold on, where's Bianca?" I hear JJ's voice break through the arguing as I'm already in the drain.

"Oh shit, she did it," Pope laughs, "that girl has more game than either of you!"

"Fuck, B!"

"I'm fine, Jayj. Just um, gonna need a really, really good shower later," I call back, hearing it echo.

"Nah, fuck. I'm coming in," he calls.

"No, don't. If she wants to play pogue let her," Kiara argues.

I tune out as they begin to argue again. I am glad to hear both Pope and JJ defending me though.

I swear the hole gets smaller the further I crawl, but that could just be the plant roots poking through and the smell of toxicity filling my lungs. The boys check on me a few times and Pope tells me the gun is most likely at the bottom of the catch basin. I keep crawling through whatever trash is in here until I finally come to a small opening, which I would have to assume is the catch basin Pope was telling me about. There's a ladder and a grate above me, but I couldn't tell you where I am at all. I figure this is probably a good place to start looking and start rummaging through the water and the trash, getting covered in all sorts of gunk. I think I'm going to need a three-hour long shower... or two before I start to ever feel clean again. I find something solid at the bottom of the water and grab it, pulling it up. The longer I hold it though the more I'm sure it's not the gun, but instead some sort of creature, Instinctively I drop it and squeal, but it doesn't move so I'm sure it's dead. I swallow all my dignity and dive back in for it, praying it's an animal and not like Gavin's arm or something. I pull it up and see it's black and fury and breathe a quick sigh of relief before dropping it again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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