What the F just happened

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The four of us jump a fence and run back to my car, we dive in, dripping wet and panting from exertion and stress. No one says anything at first, just sitting in the car and trying to process everything that just happened.

"Can someone fill me in on what the fuck just happened?" JJ asks, basically yelling and slamming his hands against the steering wheel of my car.

Pope lets out a groan of frustration and anger which I'm starting to get used to hearing at this point.

"What were they fighting over?" JJ asks, after we all have a little moment to let out our emotions.

"Uh... it was... it was a gun, the one Rafe used. He must have kept it," Pope answers.

"The murder weapon, of course!" JJ says.

"Oh god, pick up, pick up, pick up," Kie begs her phone, nearly sobbing.

"Who are you calling?" JJ asks.

"Who do you think?" She bites back at him.

"The cops?"

"Who else am I supposed to call?"

"Why would you call the police? That's Ward!" JJ yells as the sheriff's office answers Kiara's call and she yells for him to shut up.

"Hello? Hi, somebody's been shot at the... at the Grand Street construction site! You guys need to hurry because he's dying and I don't know if he's already dead or not!"

"Jayj, we can't stay here. We're sitting ducks, you gotta drive," I tell him.

We drive around aimlessly for a little bit, Kiara getting instructions from the police and us waiting for them to arrive so we can meet them and show them the murder site. Pope concludes that the camera is useless to us now and basically that all of it was a waste of time. I can't help but think that had we never set up the whole sting operation and freaked out Gavin he wouldn't be dead. Then I remember that he was a witness and accomplice to Peterkin's murder and was keeping his mouth shut. Plus he was hanging onto that gun for a reason, so maybe this all would have happened anyway. I don't know. Whatever might have happened doesn't make a difference to what did happen.

And what happened is exactly what we are now explaining to Shoupe, who is not exactly hiding his obvious disbelief in our story. Our side of the story is not helped by the fact that there's no blood or dead pilot here. 

Kiara shows him where Ward shot Gavin and explains to him what happened, Shoupe points out that it's unlikely it could have all been cleaned up in the forty-five minutes since it happened. Kiara argues that we caught it on camera and then has to explain to Shoupe why that camera footage can't be shown to him as proof. Basically, the whole thing sounds like a bunch of shit, and frankly, Shoupe has every reason not to believe us.

JJ looks for the blood, but by some miracle, the whole scene is perfectly cleaned up.

"So the dog ate your homework?" Shoupe concludes, "Look, I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this, alright? You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing except for some crazy stories about how Ward Cameron is out on a killing spree."

"We're not making this up!" JJ says.

"It's not a random killing spree," Pope points out, "Gavin was his pilot okay? He was paying him hush money because he was on the tarmac that day."

"Gavin had the gun that Rafe used to kill Peterkin and was blackmailing Ward," I explain.

"And then he called him here and tried to pay him off," JJ adds, "but it wasn't enough and so he shot him, alright? With the murder weapon."

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