Beauty in ugliness

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In the mirror, I see a face,
But it's not the one I long to embrace,
The nose is too big, the chin is weak,
And all the flaws, they all speak.

I try to hide behind my hair,
But still, the flaws are always there,
I want to be beautiful, to feel alive,
But my reflection makes me want to hide.

Feeling ugly, feeling small,
Every mirror, every wall,
Reflects a face I don't recognize,
I'm a stranger in my own eyes.

In a world obsessed with beauty,
Where flaws are a curse,
I often wonder how to find,
Beauty in all the ugliness.

Is it in the imperfections,
That we often try to hide?
Or in the scars that tell a story,
Of how we've lived and how we've tried?

Is it in the broken pieces,
That we try to fix with glue,
Or in the shattered dreams we chase,
That never quite come true?

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