Fusion? [Prolouge]

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Hihhii !! Welcomee, I'm editing this thing, so please don't mind any random new updates with already posted chapters ! !!
Start writing your story You wonder how you were brought into this situation. In an empty shipping container. Well, not empty, there was only a refrigerator, desk[with a phonez that only has like, chat and messages on it-] and chair, bed, and a small cracked lightbulb. You're trying to remember, but you have quite the horrible memory. <Like me fr>

You tried your hardest. Oh right, you died when you were only thirteen. You were not expecting to be isekai'd, you were expecting to just die when you just somehow froze in front of a bus. Although you weren't particularly suicidal<Or maybe you were? But whatever, not like you can even remember that>, you weren't against the thought of dying. You don't remember particularly seeking death. Well, maybe you have before, maybe after several failed attempt you began to get too tired to do something like that as well.

You guess your life became decent, still mundane and depressing, but decent. You were just almost done with school. Although you didn't particularly like your parents, they would be nice one day, then completely awful, but hey, you guess they would still pay for you and stuff. Even though they would do such a thing and save you from possibly drowning in student debt, they were still assholes who didn't know how to treat a child. They loved you, you guess, but they were still awful.

You decided you would talk to them the least you possibly could. You weren't planning on asking them for anything, After all, if you were going to cut off contact, you weren't going to contact them for things like that, if you needed something, you were going to earn them yourself.

And then, after basically planning your life out, to be someone independent<and hopefully rich>, you died. And you were expecting to be drowning in nothingness when you died, yet you woke up. You were in the mirror, and you looked like [BEAST] Dazai. Fifteen [BEAST] Dazai. Your age.. Although you looked like fifteen [BEAST] Dazai, you has a feeling you were still physically thirteen. You also had a broken arm? Oh, probably from the impact being pushed off a bridge into water. Well, you were certainly one of those 'pretty boys' now. You can't remember how you looked before, but you do remember that you were not nearly as you were right now<Just in this story, but I know, for a fact, you're very pretty irl!!>.

And then the unfamiliar figure<well, not exactly unfamiliar, but seeing that as you in the mirror, it was so odd..> shifted. It morphed, and in there appeared Dazai. Like, the original ADA Dazai. Or was it? It would shift from ADA and PM Dazai every now and then. The Dazai looked just as confused as you did, and by that, I mean not confused at all. He most likely already predicted this, or he's hiding his confusion. You can't tell, he's too much of a mysterious and unpredictable variant to understand. You had no expression on your face because like, you just died. After being imported into another world, it doesn't really surprise you. I mean, after this, anything could happen.

"Hello there, are you me? How is it possible I am here? Is it someone's ability?" Dazai asks calmly. So he didn't predict this. How interesting. <or maybe he did. Maybe he knows. Perhaps you are overestimating Dazai? That's fine. It's better to overestimate than underestimate.]

"No, I am not you. My name is [L/n] [Y/n]. I have no idea how it is you are here. I doubt anyone's ability would be able to work on you. Unless you were near dead of course." You respond, matching his level of calm, or perhaps you weren't, and you were just trying too hard. You think you sounded calm, but maybe your voice was wavering, you did just die after all.

"Huh. Well, I'm Dazai, Dazai Osamu, pleasure to meet you!" Dazai chirps, "Oh, how is it I'm in the mirror..? This is such an odd situation we're in!!~" Dazai grins, his face and hands pressed against the mirror.

"Yes, quite a pleasure. I think we've somehow become one, resulting me to look like you." You respond, pretending to not know anything. Even though Dazai nodded and smiled, you knew he probably saw through your lie. He's way more skilled than you in the act of lying and being deceiving, after all, he's got more trauma, and trauma builds character! He's also older than you, so he has more experience with life.
You decided to just tell him how he was a secondary main character part of an anime called Bungou Stray Dogs. I mean, why not? You were going to be combined with him for most likely.. A while. You told him about how you knew a lot about him and other characters, though you weren't going to tell him the plot. He probably knew what would happen in the plot anyways, so it wouldn't really matter. But maybe you should've told him about the plot? I mean, Dazai's an intelligent fellow. If you told him, Dazai wouldn't be stupid enough to break reality. But whatever, enough questioning yourself, you told him what you told him, that's it.
During the weeks, you realized you also saw Dazai when you slept, and if you or he wanted to, he could wake up and talk to another anytime.

You've realized that you've picked up on some of Dazai's mannerisms. Like not eating much. When you try to eat, you feel disgusted. A human body is fragile after all, living on a heart that has to pump blood to keep you from dying. Having just anything inside you could just tear your intestines apart. You didn't really mind death, not before, even less so now after being fused with the Demon Prodigy, but that seems painful. You didn't really mind pain, pain is just a product of humanity, proof that you exist. Even though you didn't mind, Dazai did, kinda. Dazai could deal with pain, but prefers not to. But hey, the refrigerator was filled with crab, and you could eat that. Well, it was still pretty uncomfortable, though you could eat it mostly without trouble, it was rather tasty, since it was something Dazai liked eating.

You and Dazai have also gotten to be quite close friends! You've also gained his suicidal tendencies. It was like you were becoming Dazai, though you could still act like yourself. You also gained a silly facade, buried your problems, but eventually, like in your previous life, started to be quite bored of everything, and by being bored of everything, it would be good to search for a purpose, yes?

And since you've just been isolating yourself in yourself in the shipping container, you've decided to go outside, for the first time in forever! You were running out of crab after all!
There's gonna be a rlly fvck3d up update schedule js cs I'm unmovtivated - I might forget abt this story or smth, but like, this might be a lil smth I work on!! I've written a fanfic b4 that were literally such bad writing- [AND 4 SM REASON THERE WERE PPL WHO LIKED IT?.?]and I gave up after a while. If I get old of a fandom, I move on! I'm only writing this because I love Dazai, I'm literally not in the my hero fandom anymore, so there's a large chance I'll drop this-]
1288 words, not including this !! I'll try to make future chapters longer !! Hope you enjoyed !! >m< !! !

&quot;FUSED,, [Bnha x Dazai!reader]Where stories live. Discover now