Social Interaction [I]

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Istg my brain is literally so dead and empty rn- Also, the chatfic part of this story will come eventually!! Though it's mainly just a normal fanfic! OH ALSO DAZAI, I'M SO HAPPY DAZAI IS LIKE CONFIRMED TO BE ALIVE AND AYA IS OKAY N STUFF >.<!!!!! AND FYODOR'S ALIVE TOO !! <33 [Please just let me be delusional <3]
"You were running out of crab after all!,,
This sucks. This absolutely sucks. You could feel eyes on you, as you walked down the street. Did you look weird? Were you somehow acting weird? No no. You're imagining things. Just breathe. Okay. No one is watching you, the people passing by are busy with their own lives. Even though you knew that nothing was wrong, you couldn't help the feeling of spiders crawling around in your gut. Something was going to happen today, and you would just have to wait till it happens to see ifit's a good thing or not.

Looking around now, these people around you look rather.. odd.. Some of them have.. mutations? Huh. How odd..

No one seems to be mentioning anything.. So perhaps this is normal? Well, you couldn't care less. Nothing really matters. You've already lived once, that's a lot more than enough. What's there to lose? You just normally continued down the street. You would sometimes glance at the interesting people passing by.

Then suddenly, you get a face-full of green and you fall over. Ah, it seems someone bumped into you, and I guess just barely eating crab once in a while doesn't help that much with your physical strength, huh? The boy profusely apologized, bowing with his hands fiddling the hem of his shirt, and a worried, nervous expression on his face. You nodded in acceptance to his apologies, but it seems he wasn't paying attention, as he just continues his endless murmurs of sorries. ..So you give a smack to his head for him to wake up. He looks familiar, but you really couldn't care less to try and use your precious rotting brain to remember.

"AAAA! I'M SORRY!!" He says, louder than before. But hey, he only said it once this time? You thought he would never stop. You once again nodded, accepting his apology, and he smiled in relief. He seems to be a very expressive person. You can't help the thought in the back of your head that something about him doesn't feel real.. He seems to be, like, a good person. As if. No one in the world is a good person. Though this person must be one of those few light gray people, unless he was just a really good actor. But that couldn't be possible. You were fused with the Demon Prodigy after all, and he can see through basically anyone. Even Fyodor, by basing what Fyodor would do from what he would do himself. Maybe not Ranpo? Ranpo was able to hide his worries of the world and how alone he felt for a long time after all. But that's just the amazing acting skills of a normal traumatized child who doesn't understand the world!!

Oh- was the green haired boy saying something..? You should probably just reply with a yes. You opened your mouth, but no words came out. Oh, oh. Your throat is so dry.. You haven't drank any water. Don't think you should be alive, but hey, you literally died already, your new beginning obviously wouldn't end that quickly. You notice him just staring at you, waiting for your response.

"Y-" Before you could finish your word, you spew out a series of coughs. The boy is staring at you in worry once again. He asks something, but you weren't able to catch it, his gaze filled with genuine concern for your health. You're a bit frazzled, but you can guess what he said. "My apologies, I am perfectly alright, just a coughing fit." You lie through your teeth, and he seems to believe you.

"Oh!! T-that's good!! Uhm- as I was asking, what's your name..?" He questions. Oh, that's what he was asking at the beginning. You 'Ahem'd', your sore and dry throat extremely uncomfortable.

"My name is [Y/n]." Wait, maybe you should try being silly person like Dazai and not so robotic? "Just call me [Y/n]!! I've never really liked my parents because they were what brought me into this hell of a world!~ <3 I like [animal]s, and crab! Like eating crab yk? But like, not eating [animal], unless I do- :3. What is your name?" You ask.

He seems a bit confused? "I- uhm- I already told you my name..? Also how did you say that kaomoji emoticon thingy in an actual sentence..? Colon three? Heart? Like- I told you my name then asked for yours before you started coughing..? Ah- uhm- never mind, I'm Midoriya Izuku!!" He smiles awkwardly at you. Oh, Midoriya.. That rings a bell.. that one anime/manga with like- a really weird fanbase that was mostly obsessed with bakuguo x deku and stuff.. Oh, lovely. You doubt you would remember his name. [Pls the bakudeku thing is like- kinda a joke?? But like- I mean, it's true tho >.>]

A "MIAUUU" snaps you out of your thoughts- or in your thoughts? Anyways, it seems Dazai has awaken from his nap! Now, you'll be able to hear his amazing very insightful commentary!! "..Huh, who's that pathetic looking boy in front of you? Ah- wait, you're outside?? Omg I'm so proud of youu!! I thought we were just going to stay in that shipping container of boredom forever!! Ah, I'm just so proud of you my child!! <3(But like you really should've woken me up for when you went outside.. I need to be there to make sure you're safe!! :c)" He speaks, his commentary just so insightful and amazing and lovely- Wait- ..Huh? His child? >.>..?? [Y not, Dazai needs more orphans yk? Fulfilling Oda's last wish 🫶]

"Hiii..?" Broccol- Midoriya's voice interrupts your thoughts. ..It was probably rather awkward for Midoriya, just watching you having a blank expression on your face for a minute or so.

"Hello!!" You replied, cheerily. He didn't respond. You just made it even more awkward didn't you? You decide to take this time to just observe the broccoli. His lips were quivering, his palms were sweaty as he starts to fidget with the hem of his shirt again. His eyes were darting around, trying to find a way to escape the awkwardness. Oh, was your staring making him uncomfortable? Understandable. It's also pretty uncomfortable when you believe people are staring at you. "Soooo.. I'll be off then?" You ask.

He squeaks and nods, "Ah! Oh, of course!! Uhm- I'll see you again??" His hands are flailing around and he's ready to run off, but before he can, you grab him by the collar of his shirt. Oh, you brought the phone that was on the desk in your lovely shipping container.

"If you plan on seeing me again, then shouldn't you give me your contact information?" You ask, head tilting.
So, now you have that guy's number. You were going to have to get your own but suddenly; "My childdddd!! There was a phone on the table? Why didn't you tell me?.? Do you.. not trust me?? Oh I'm just so hurt!! Lemme take over!! I wanna do something with the phone, you have to do this because 1. You didn't wake me up when you were leaving, and 2. You never mentioned the phone!!" Dazai huffs, his tone childish. You thought he already would've noticed, but you do allow him to. Oh, he's like- connecting the phone to his number? Oh- 99+ notifications.. I mean, he did suddenly get fused together with you. How would you explain this to the Armed Detective Agency?
1309 words ! Hope you enjoyed !~ >m< !!

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