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Personal files—

[Y/n] [L/n]

[Your Birthday]

13 <In the beginning [what this is being based on]
14-15 <Later on, going to UA>

<Cause why not- there aren't enough masculine reader fanfics! Also, I made this so idgaf what you think! Well I kinda do->


Fluffy and short [h/c] <I'm not sure how to describe 15 beast Dazai's hair, so I'll just say it's messy/mildly wavy/fluffy->

One dull cream-ish brown[?] eye, and one colored your beautiful [e/c]!! [You have Dazai's eye covered with bandages lmao.[Cool idea !! Dazai can actually see out of that cream-ish brown eye of yours !!]

Skin Color—
[s/c] <what else is there to say :3?>


Alive —previously deceased

You currently live in Musutafu, tho you know multiple languages, Japanese, Russian, English because multilingual people r yes. [But it's just like, speaking. You only know how to speak like, Russian cs y th not, it's important for the plot trust <33, Japanese could just be because, once again, you have fused with Dazai.]

Mother- [M/n] [L/n], alive
Father- [F/n] [L/n], alive
Brother- [B/n] [L/N], alive
<None of them will actually be met in the story.>

Unemployed !! >w<

[Middle School] <former>
Port Mafia <former>
Armed detective agency
<You were merged with Dazai, so technically you were affiliated with those! :3>


155cm, you would've grown taller, but you didn't because you are rather malnourished. :3
His brown and [e/c] eyes appear empty and dull because Dazai's empty as hell- >.>
He has short fluffy [h/c] hair, his hair is very healthy !!? How ??!
He has clear, pale [s/c] skin. [A person with any skin tone can grow pale, 'm not saying they're white !! <3] Why is is skin so perfect ??!
<The like, casual clothes he'd wear are like, yk, Dazai's pm outfits<15, dark age>, and like this—

 [A person with any skin tone can grow pale, 'm not saying they're white !! <3] Why is is skin so perfect ??!<The like, casual clothes he'd wear are like, yk, Dazai's pm outfits<15, dark age>, and like this—

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made it myself!! Do you like? Yes? Tysm!! No? Idc!! :3!!<Well, I actually would care cause I'm like rlly sensitive- >.>>

You'll find out! His personality is based <hopefully-> heavily on Dazai though, I'll tell you that :D!

In terms of intelligence, [Y/n] is smart!! Though he's definitely not anything near Ranpo's level of smart, but he is pretty smart for his age!! Also, he has Dazai's very important insight! :3

He's also pretty fast. [Y/n] learned to do this because... Yes. Though it's really not too special.

Along with his speed, he's also pretty agile!!

Can pick locks, unlock handcuffs, other stuff!

He reads people like books. Even Dazai is impressed by [Y/n]'s insightfulness is and how well he knows what people think of him. ..or just how much [Y/n] overthinks.. He can guess basically random people's thoughts! He can't read minds, but he might as well be able to, because he almost always gets something that's similar to what the person's thinking in one of his many guesses when overthinking.. <except when it comes to like, unpredictable varients such as people from Bungo Stray Dogs, but even then, [Y/n]'s guesses can sometimes go quite close, but he's really doubtful and changes to another thought, but he can't read them well because: They are from other worlds than the one he is currently stuck in and was in before, so they don't abide by the same laws as the rest of the world ??>

He is able to communicate with Dazai for insight tips, and sometimes even get Dazai to communicate for him, but can't make Dazai fully control their body, although Dazai can slightly control your body when he feels like it :3

Just like, also Dazai's skills yk?


No Longer Human,,

[Dazai Osamu's Ability_]

No Longer Human nullifies the ability, and turns out it works on quirks as well, of anyone he touches. Furthermore, the ability relies on skin contact and is always active. As such, he can nullify any ability even while restrained as soon and as long as it touches him. Due to this specific condition, healing abilities would also be canceled.

However, in the case of death, particularly the moment his heart stops beating, Dazai can just barely be barely saved by an ability/quirk, since No Longer Human won't activate if the user is dead. When Dazai's heart stopped, the blood supply to his brain would cease, causing him to die. When this happens, his ability would cease to exist and other abilities and quirks would work on him again. Therefore, his wounds needed to be swiftly treated and need immediate resuscitation afterwards to start Dazai's heart through electric stimulation.

This is a specific condition for a healing ability/quirk to work on Dazai (in case there are instances when there are no medical devices/services available at a moment) and this is only possible as long as he is on the brink of death, since his brain literally shuts off when on the brink of death, and his ability is always active because of his brain. But these abilities would still crash with each other - Dazai's ability will try to get in the way, however there is a 0.5 second window of opportunity to heal him. After Dazai is resuscitated and his heart start moving again, there would be a brief window before the blood reaches his brain. Since his heart would be beating, meaning he is on the brink of death, healing abilities will work on him since Dazai's brain won't be functioning, and his ability won't get in the way. This is the only condition Dazai may possibly healed using an ability, but the odds of it succeeding are low. It is also mentioned that the less time that passed after Dazai's death, the greater the rate of success would be with the resuscitation method.

Due to this, Dazai requires the standard medical procedure or operation whenever he gets injured.
No Longer Human is absolutely effective on any ability and quirk, there are no exceptions.









[I think I'll have you SLIGHTLY depend on Dazai's techniques.]

[Really can't turn ability off.]


<Depends on the plan, if it sucks, he'll have to improvise!! If it's good, sure! If he's got a better one, you better do his plan!>
<This is all like, on the day of going to UA  entrance exams
Overpowered, maybe? Well, it's my story :3!!>

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