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One would think that after being caught almost in the act by one of Max's associates, the pair would have rethought the idea of sneaking around together. On the contrary, they were insatiable. It seemed Genevieve couldn't get enough of the taller woman, and judging by the way Max's responded, they were on the same page.

In just three weeks, they managed to have sex in almost every godforsaken corner of Westwood, trying not to repeat locations more than once out of what little fear they had of being caught. There would be a text with a time and place—nothing more needed to be said. The women would drop whatever they were doing to satisfy each other's needs even if it sometimes only lasted fifteen minutes.

Their latest encounter happened at the mall in a busy department store changing room. It was ludacris the places Max came up with—the shorter woman experimenting with a level of voyeurism that was previously untouched.

Not only were they risking being skinned alive by Genevieve's husband, but they could be arrested for indecent exposure—one of those options still being largely better than the other.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Max posed the question.

"Why would it bother me? The business your family does or doesn't do with Vinnie isn't a concern of mine." the fiery woman's voice sounded through the smartphone's speaker. "It's a couple hours, we can manage that, right?"

Max didn't know if she could manage. Genevieve was like a drug, and she was an addict who didn't want to get clean—not if clean meant she would have to stay away from the woman she desired. As Max got dressed for Vinnie's game night, she reminded herself that the shorter woman was off limits, and she shouldn't as much as stare in her direction throughout the event.

"Yeah, we can handle a few platonic hours together." Max finally responded.

"Just don't look at me. Don't look at me, don't touch me and if you're wearing that cologne I like do not come near me."

She released a hearty chuckle. "Anything else?

"Nope." Genevieve popped the 'p'. "See you in a few?"
"See you soon babe."

The term of endearment slipped through Max's lips before she could stop herself. The line was silent for at least a minute before the call beeped to an end.

Why the fuck would you say that? Max scolded herself, roughly tugging the leather jacket over her shoulders.

"What a dickhead," she muttered, stalking out of the building.

Max adjusted the matte-black helmet, securing it under her chin before kicking her motorcycle to life. She sped off, heading into the familiar suburban area that housed the Menza residence.

The mini-mansion was easy to come by, it being the largest home at the end of the street. Max rolled down the wide driveway, already recognizing her older brother's Audi parked on an empty patch of land. She parked the bike beside it, placing the helmet on the side before making her way towards the lion's den.

Her eyes scanned the area, quickly landing on her brothers Armani and Gio who were off to the side in deep conversation. The other attendees socialized amongst themselves on the front lawn, all speaking in hushed tones as Max strolled by. Considering the fact that Vinnie hated their guts, it wasn't surprising that his companions probably felt the same way.

The Bussola children were literally surrounded by enemies and were prepared to be on guard for the rest of the evening.

"No Dario?" Max asked, finally standing between her brothers.
"Nah, you know the rules." Gio took a swig from a plastic champagne glass. "One of us has to stay alive, blah blah family line blah blah."

Mob Ties: Sleeping with the Enemy (intersex x woman)Where stories live. Discover now