Revamped part 1

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Time for the actual chapter.

Now tell me why the fuck are you guys reading this shitty ass story? Yep, I know this book exists but I've got no time to write....

♡♡♡ = Change of POV
¤° = Third Person View
* = Character view (First person)
>> = Time forward
<< = Past?



I regained consciousness as I lay on the floor...

"The hell happened?" I thought to myself as I sat up...

I look around... It was all quiet. I decided to explore the place a little...

I enter the other room, and I notice some humanoid cat lying on the floor; it had orange fur, an orange and yellow striped shirt, and orange shorts and socks.

I approached it to see if it was alive or not....

I carefully look at it and it turns out its chest was moving, meaning it was breathing, sooo it was alive but merely unconscious. It didn't seem to have any injury or anything...

In spite of living here in this place for a long time, this lil guy was kinda unfamiliar to me but I knew his name; it was "Katte", not "Catte"....

I decided to help this guy first as I picked him up and had my shoulder support his arm, and aw man, it was kinda hard to carry this dude as it felt kinda heavy but I dunno how I coped...

As I moved with difficulty, tryna carry this guy, I heard something...

I see a humanoid purple wolf with green highlights... It seemed to wear shorts and socks with the front part of the paws sticking out (same for Katte)... It also wore a white shirt with a black band extending diagonally and long fingerless gloves... Technically looked like a better version of the labcoat...

I tried to remember this guy's name... I mean, I knew this guy a little...

"Hello there, human! I didn't expect someone to be here!" The purple wolf said cheerfully...

"Uhmmmm... I guess your name is Sinox?" I asked, kinda unsure....

"Yep." The wolf said cheerfully:

"Ah..." I said...

"So, uh, I'm sure you're confused about what happened last night but if I were to tell you on the spot, it'd be pretty lengthy! You wanna come along? I'll probably tell you what happened then! Ya know? Aside from that someone could be waiting for you!" Sinox told in am accent, smiling at me....

"Uhhhhmmm... Uhmmm... Uhmm," I said, trying to think of a response, but all I was responding with was literally "uhm."

"I kinda didn't wanna actually come, but I was kinda confused... I wanted to know about what happened last night, so I guess I'll go with this guy." I thought to myself...

"Fine... I'll come along." I said to the purple wolf...

"Cool! Let's go then! Uh, wait, you want me to help you carry Katte? I mean, you seem to be struggling, I guess?" Sinox asked, slightly concerned...

"Nah I can do it myself." I replied to him...

"Okay then, let's go." Sinox said as he led the way and I followed him...


We made a short walk to the reception, and Sinox looked back at Katte...

"Hmmm, turns out he doesn't seem injured or sick..." Sinox said...

"Yeah..." I said. "But can we keep going? I'm getting hungry too...." I told Sinox...

"Sure! I'll get you food, so don't worry!" Sinox said as he smiled...


End of Chapter

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