Astoria: Queen of Ithyius

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Long, golden hair fell down in enchanting waves, framing the face of the Queen of Ithyius. Her face was soft and kind, reflecting the woman she was. Her skin was pale and her cheeks rosy, constantly kissed by the light breeze that tickled the flowers and trees that scattered accross Ithyius. She stood proud, but not rigid, and when she spoke it was in a tone that could make the person being spoken to feel as if they were talking to a friend rather than a ruler. This was not to say, however, that Astoria could not be authoritative. If she couldn't she would not have been crowned, or remained Queen.
she was known throughout her land and others for her mesmerising beauty and gentle nature, the kindness she showed even to those who did not reciprocate it. Despite these most admired qualities, Astoria remained unmarried, and ruled her kingdom alone. She made it clear to her subjects from long before she was crowned, that she intended to be the sole ruler of Ithyius, and that she was perfectly capable of making her decisions without a second opinion from a partner. Some idolised her for this, some feared her for it, some even ridiculed her for it. Some even had the nerve to claim that it was simply because she could not find someone who would take her, though this theory was instantly disproved by the number of men who tried and failed to join Astoria on the throne.
Do not be fooled into thinking that Astoria was weak. It is true that she was kind, beautiful, and gentle, but it is also true that she was a fearsome warrior, capable of commanding an army into even the most dangerous of battles. While her voice could put even the most distressed of infants into a sweet sleep, it could also make the toughest of soldiers bend to her will.
It is for this that Astoria is most admired. Her ability to be a caring and spritely ruler, and also being able to protect her kingdom and all those within from any threats that may come her way. There is only one other who stands level with Astoria in battle, and that is her confidant, and close friend, Demetrion. Many speculated about romance between the two, however due to Astorias lack of interest in a relationship and Demetrions devotion to his work commanding Ithyius' army, the two never strayed outside of a platonic relationship.
Astoria was allies with all but one ruler (Haelios,) and would not hesitate to act if any of her allies needed assistance. It is all this and more, that makes Astoria one of the most beloved rulers.

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