Khalisi: Queen of Eridaya

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The queen of Eridaya was a fearsome woman. Or at least, she appeared to be, to her subjects. Dark hair fell from her ghostly pale face, no light shone from her dark eyes. Her face was pristine and, in the opinion of many, beautiful. Her beauty did not stop her striking fear into the hearts of any who crossed her. No one ever knew what broke the queen, all that was known is that the young girl who was once the daughter of Eridayas kindest King and Queen, was now a fearsome, unforgiving warrior.
Khalisi was not particularly cruel, she did not kill mindlessly or steal from her people, but she was cold, her speeches did not spark confidence or hope and certainly not forgiveness; they sparked rage. Rage at the way the kingdom was being treated, even rage at the heavens for 'cursing them' with bad harvest or terrible storms. Khalisi would deliver her speeches in such a manor that every announcement had the air of a battle cry. Raging war on the world, uniting the kingdom in anger and fear.
That's where khalisi differed from her subjects. She did not fear publicly. As far as her people knew, she could walk into a battle as calm as if she was walking into her own throne room. Under it all however, was a young girl who had no idea how to rule, how to make her subjects believe in her and most importantly of all, a girl who was scared. Scared of trusting, scared of connections, scared of letting down her kingdom.
Her alliances with Carthion and Ithyius were created by her parents long before she was even born, and rarely were they attended to by Khalisi, though she would never let them fall apart. Khalisi resided alone in a castle overlooking the kingdom. The castle was gifted to her parents when her sister was born, and Khalisi has lived there since their passing several years ago.
Khalisi was only ever close with one person, her sister, Aniya, who was in line to inherit Eridaya, but when Aniya passed away, the kingdom went to Khalisi. Most assumed that Khalisi never truly got over the death of her sister, and it was speculated that her parents died of a broken heart shortly after Aniyas' death.
Since the passing of her family Khalisi has been a ruthless ruler, never to the scale or methods of Haelios, but it was common knowledge that she would do whatever it took to protect her families kingdom. She was a skilled warrior and her army was second only to that of Infernium. This made the people of Eridaya feel safe in her hands, and the land become it's own world, united together, but disjointed from all the other kingdoms.

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