Chapter 2: Khalisis response

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The colour drained from the Queen of Eridayas face the further down the parchment she read. The sunset lighting was beginning to shine in from the window of the turret she sat in.
The letter had been handed to her mere moments ago and once she saw the Carthion seal on the front of the letter she knew it was urgent, never was she contacted by the official rulers of kingdoms, the letter could only have meant one of very few things. She should have expected what she found in the contents.
As she reached the end of the letter she leaned her head back against the window and took a deep breath, something her mother had always taught her to do when she felt overwhelmed and scared.
She was allied with Ardeus' kingdom, as were all the rulers, with the obvious exception of Haelios. It was her duty to come to his aid, so that is what she must do. And quickly.
With another deep breath, she reset her face to the emotionless expression she always wore and slowly made her way out of the room, down the spiralling stairs and into the large empty hall.
Slowly, calmly she made her way to the messenger who had brought her the letter.
'Gather the army'
She said this with a calm tone, something she had grown rather good at doing. Even in the most stressful situation, she could keep her voice as calm as if nothing was amiss.
The messenger nodded and left the room out of the grand oak doors that lead outside.

Khalisi began to make her way back up the stairs, this time turning a different direction to the large balcony that overlooked the kingdom, where she would always make her speeches. As she walked she contemplated what to tell the army. But it was not the army she needed to explain to, it was her general she needed to explain the situation to, then she needed to leave, quickly.

Making her way onto the balcony she held onto the stone railings and took another deep breath gazing into the forthcoming dusk.

'Your majesty?'

'General Peterson. The man I must speak to most urgently.'

'Has something happened your grace?'

'Yes. And I must leave, within the hour. But I need you to pass on a message to the Eridayan army.'

'And that message would be?'

'Tell them that they must be prepared for battle, on the morning of the second Sunday this month. Ten days time. They are to March towards Carthion and arrive there shortly after the sun rises. Be prepared for war'

'My Queen what on earth could be happening that means-'

'I have given my orders general.' Khalisi shouted 'and I expect you to follow them.'

'Yes, your majesty.'

The general walked away, leaving Khalisi on the balcony. She made her way down to her wing of the castle and began to gather her belongings that she would need. She did not bring much, her sword and some food for the journey. she changed into her armour and made her way down the lonely stone steps of the castle, leaving her crown sat atop her throne. She may be leaving her kingdom, but she was still it's queen.

'There there boy come on' she said to the horse, Gideon, who was bucking in protest to her dragging him out of his stable with such haste, while slinging her satchel of belongings over his back.

She mounted her steed and began to make her way down to the forest. She would have to take the long way to Carthion in order to avoid crossing paths with Haelios, she could easily make it deep enough into the woods by morning to be unseen, and so, with one last look back at her castle, she rode into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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