Chapter 20

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Silence hung in the room, thick and heavy like a cloak. Draco's eyes flickered between Hermione's eyes and her lips, as though he couldn't believe the words that had emerged from them over the past hour.

He'd been quiet as she spilled her secrets, one after another. The note from the strawberry-blonde. Charlotte. The grape between Cho's painted lips, and what it meant.

Apart from a sharp breath or two, he'd done nothing but stare as she'd listed the facts and shared her suspicions. But now that she'd finished, his eyes on her felt even more intense, and her sense of calm logic was slipping away from her.

When she could bear it no longer, she cleared her throat. Loudly. He blinked, as if snapping out of a trance.


He scratched the back of his head. "Right. That was...a lot, Granger."

She glared at him. "'A lot?' That's all you have to say?" Draco opened his mouth, but settled on a shrug. "Never mind," she huffed, crossing her arms. "Are you going to help me or not?"

A pause as he frowned at her, mind working. "You want me to arrange a private audience with Cho Chang."


"Knowing full well what the risks are if you're caught."


His scowl deepened. "And why can't you just pass her a bloody note?"

"It wouldn't fit. And it's far too dangerous."

"Now you're worried about how dangerous this all is? Every note you've passed would have gotten you killed-"

"This is different." She took a deep breath. "If this falls into the wrong hands, getting killed is the least of my concerns."

His eyes flashed as he took a step closer. "What is this information that's apparently worth more than your life, then?"

Hermione blinked at him. "Well, I can't very well tell you that."

A muscle twitched in his jaw, and she watched his throat swallow. "Granger, just an hour ago you were spilling all your machinations and theories, begging for no secrets between us-"


"-and now we're back to it again?"

"Malfoy, you're in the Dark Lord's inner circle-"

His expression made the words die in her throat.

"And?" His voice was low as he stepped closer, looming over her. "What of it?"

She swallowed thickly. "And if there's one secret I have to protect at all costs, this is it."

"We'll both be dead if it gets to that point, so I fail to see the difference."

"Is that all that matters to you?" She lifted her chin, meeting his eyes. "Surviving at any cost to those left behind?"

He scoffed, but said nothing. She could see his pupils blooming as he stared back at her, and her stomach flipped.

"I have to get her this information, Draco," she said softly. "I'm not asking you to agree with me, but I am asking you to respect me on this. If your mind is read-"

He huffed and turned away. "That won't be a problem."

She scowled at his back. "Why? Because you're so advanced at Occlumency?"

"Yes," he replied simply.

She bristled at his overconfidence. "Sorry, but even if you were capable of fending off an attack from Voldemort himself, I wouldn't risk it. Now, can you get me alone with Cho or not?"

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