Chapter 37

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The curtains fluttered. Sound disappeared in a vacuum.

Behind Hermione's eyelids was an imprint of Draco's silhouette - his eyes on hers and his hand reaching out.


Hermione blinked, and it was gone.

There was a ringing in her ears as someone stumbled forward, grabbing her wrist and ripping the handkerchief away.

"Hermione." Ginny's voice trembled. "Hermione, you just..."

She didn't finish.

Hermione turned, dazed, to watch Ron tip over armchairs and overturn her coffee table. He stormed to the window and threw back the curtains, as if Draco was simply hiding.

Then he spun to her, wearing an expression she'd only seen when there was a locket over his heart.

"What have you done?" he whispered.

Hermione's gaze fell to the place Draco had been kneeling just heartbeats ago.

All these months, and she'd never asked him where it went. He might be halfway around the world right now.

But she'd gotten him out. That's all that mattered.

"Hermione, listen to me." Ginny gripped her shoulders. "Tell me where you sent him, and I'll fix this. No one has to know-"

Hermione's lips parted in a puff of air, but before she could speak, there were heavy footsteps in the corridor. Ginny turned her wandlight on the doorway just as Bill Weasley's scarred face appeared. He cast a quick glance at the three of them before speaking.

"Malfoy isn't here. I just sent a Patronus to Rome." He looked over the room. "Where's Draco?"

Ron's eyes flicked to her. "He-"

"There was a Portkey," said Ginny. "He managed to escape."

Bill cursed, running a hand through his hair. "Alright. Let's go. We have Narcissa ready for transport."

The room spun. Hermione's heart lurched. "Where is she?"

"She's been restrained," said Bill. "We have her downstairs-"

Hermione shot off like a rocket, darting out of Ginny's reach and barrelling through Bill. She bolted down the corridor, Ron's shouts echoing in her ears. A Stunning Spell just missed her shoulder.

"Don't!" screamed Ginny. "Hermione-!"

She raced down the stairs, tugging the cloak around her. There were people in the entry. Wandlight silhouetting bodies and arcing shadows high onto the portraits.

Hermione stumbled on the first landing as light filled her vision. Voices shouted at her in French and English, wands pointed in her direction.

The room was crawling with unfamiliar people. A row of trunks packed for travel against the far wall - the elves next to them, stunned. At the center, a woman in a dressing gown, her hands bound in front of her. On her knees, like her son had been.

"Hermione!" Narcissa's voice was frail.

Hermione flew, the yells fading beneath her heartbeat. She jumped off the last stair, and a shadow in the entry caught her by the arm.

"She can't hurt you anymore." said a strange man, in broken English. "You're safe."

Hermione grunted, trying to free herself.

Narcissa struggled against her bindings as a tall wizard loomed over her. "Where is Draco? Hermione, where-"

"Quiet!" A sharp crack as he struck her. Narcissa cried out.

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