How to disappear

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I woke up and saw that Dominik wasnt in bed and then I remembered his debut is this week. He said he had a suprise for when he got home and I had a feeling I knew what it was but I couldnt assume. If it is what I think it is then please don't let it be that.

I roll out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready. Once that's all done I go to my phone and see that Dom had sent me a good morning text as usual. Once I responded I decided to clean up the house. After cleaning the whole house I went to clean out the closet. As I cleaned the closet I got nosey and went through his drawers and when I saw a box with a ring I froze.

"Shit I cannot be getting married I'm still too young." I started freaking out and couldn't figure out what to do. I loved Dominik with all my heart but marriage is something I hate. I have never wanted to get married and he knew that. I can't watch his face as I say no to him. I can't watch his face as I break up with him. We want two different things and I cant give him what he wants.

I go to the storage closet and grab a suitcase just to get the most important stuff until I can get movers to get my stuff out. I stuff random clothes and leave the apartment and head to a hotel for the night. The next day I see Dominik had been texting me all day and night but I cant respond. I head back to the apartment and write him a note and place my key down.

I decide to just skip the whole moving everything out because it will be even harder to see all my stuff gone. I get a uber to get to the airport and before I know it I'm on a flight to New York. I have no clue what I'm doing but anything is better than staying in this same town. Once we land I check my phone and see texts from everyone back in San Diego. I decide that just ghosting everyone is my best decision so I just simply throw my phone away. As I walk through the busy airport I bump into someone and fall down. This just happened to be the boiling point because I start sobbing.

"Oh my darling I'm so sorry are you hurt?" The stranger asks as he crouches down to my level and checks for injuries. He was in a suit and looked to be in his 40's.

"Yes I'm so sorry its been a rough couple days." I say wiping my eyes and getting up with the mans help.

"Here how about we come over here and talk about it sweetie." He guides me over to a bench and we sit. "So whats the problem sweetie because no one cries that hard after bumping into a stranger at the airport."

"Well um I kinda broke up with my boyfriend in the worst way possible and am now homeless." I laugh realizing how dumb I was.

"Give me all the details and I will help you out. I'm Paul by the way." He puts his hand out and I shake it.

"Oh I'm Marcella." I started and then explained every detail to him.

"I know we just met but how about you come stay at my place, I have a extra bed and I promise i'm not a serial killer." I laugh and agree to go with him. Probably not the best choice but if he is a serial killer at least ill be out of pain.

Once we arrive at his penthouse my jaw drops. I did not expect this. He gives me a tour and when we reach a studio room I smile bright.

"Wow are you a song writer?" I ask looking around the room. There was even a little room to record songs.

"I'm a manager and song writer. My last client didn't do to well and quit before she even started. So now I just write stuff for fun."

"I have always wanted to be a singer and perform but life doesn't always play out in your favor." I laugh lightly.

"Well if your interested I can make you a star. How about you go sing a song and we will go from there." I nod my head and walk into the room putting on headphones and started singing a random song. After I walk out and he looks at me and smiles. "You my dear are going to be a star."

"Thank you so much that means a lot." I smile back at him and pulls out his phone.

"Heres my number add it into your phone so I can send you some stuff." He says handing me his phone.

"I threw my phone away." He laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh right I'm sorry we will go to the store first thing and get you a new one. Let me show you to your room." He starts walking out and I follow behind up to my room. He opens the door and the butler puts my bags away. "Well dear if you need anything you can let me or any of the workers know." He smiles before walking away.

I smile and grab pajamas from my bag and take a shower before changing. I walk back into the room and plop onto the bed letting the sleep take over. This is going to be so much fun.


A/N: First official chapter I hope you guys enjoyed. I don't have much to say but I love you all so eat, drink, sleep, stay safe, and most importantly done die. Mwah<3

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