Breaking Up Slowly

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*Doms pov*

I woke up to Marie yelling at me as usual ever since Marcella came back into my life. I mean I get her concern but can she just shut up for 2 minutes! Marie was going off about how I need to spend less time in New York and more time in San Diego or else the wedding is off. Marie has always been a bit insecure about how much I loved her because I never stopped loving Marcella but I tried to assure her. If I didn't love her why would I propose and plan a whole wedding.

I stood up and walked past her to the kitchen while she kept yapping about Marcella and the wedding and my time and my career, I know i'm supposed to be spending time with her but I just don't want to anymore. I love her still and want to marry her but I can't be with her for every minute unless she wants a divorce. 

"Dominik! Are you even listening to me?" She yelled grabbing my arm. "It's like you don't even care about me anymore, ever since you started hanging around that bitch you have changed completely, never wanting to spend time with me, not answering my texts, it's like you don't even love me-"

"You think I don't love you, why would I be marrying you if I don't love you?" I was tired of her complaining about how I don't love her anymore. 

"Well you sure act like you love her, all my family suspicious that you're cheating on me with her! All you do is spend time in New York and now you suddenly want to start listening to her music? I don't blame them for thinking that, hell I even think it sometimes!" 

"You seriously think i'm cheating? One, I wouldn't cheat on you and two, Marcella would never be a side bitch and ruin a relationship, she has too much love for herself." I sat down on the couch and of course Marie followed and sat next to me.

"Dom im sorry I know you wouldn't cheat on me but it's hard because the only reason you guys aren't together right now is cause she freaked out over marriage." I looked at her sad eyes and felt terrible.

"I know but I chose you didn't I? I love you baby." I said and kissed her before walking to my room, I pulled out my phone and checked insta where the first post was of course Marcella looking gorgeous as always.

She had such a gorgeous smile and of course looked like a million bucks. Her eyes had such a beautiful shimmer and the way her nose would scrunch when she got really happy. She had posted one of her monthly "dumps" and in one of the pics I was there. Man we looked cute together, it wasn't even a couple like picture but man were we cute. I posted the pic on my story and boy did people go crazy.

"DOMINIK WHAT THE HELL?!" Marie screamed barging into the room. She looked like she was about to murder someone, "What are you thinking posting her while trying to fix us?" 

"I posted my friend what's so bad about that, I post Demi all the time." I calmly replied.

"That's different, she isn't your ex and everyone knows you guys have a story line. Plus she has a boyfriend!" 

"Ok nobody knows that she's my ex, it was before my career so hardly anyone knows." I tried to reason.

"I want you to cut off complete contact with her! When you go to New York for your trips, I want to be there! Block her on everything or the wedding is off." I laughed at her but saw she was completely serious.

"Marie are you serious! You're fucking crazy, and not in a good way. I have tried to reason with you but you take it too far all you care about is yourself, never have you stopped and asked me how i'm doing with seeing her again. You just cared about yourself. You're not my mother so I'm not going to listen to you anymore." She was getting angrier by the second, "If I have to block her, you are going to block all your guy friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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