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I put on my same outfit from earlier and brush out my hair before walking back downstairs to see Marie all over Dominik. Ew, gross. I walk past the couch and into the kitchen when I hear an annoying voice.

"So did you use daddy money to get this place?" Marie asks looking out the window before turning back to me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask confused getting a cup of water.

"Well Dom told me you left everything in his apartment after you, you know, left him! So where'd  you get this money?" I look at her in disgust wanting to fight her but I don't have time to break a nail so I keep calm.

"Well it was Paul's but I decorated a majority of it!" I say trying to hide how pissed I was. She rolled her eyes but before I could say anything else Liz walked in.

"I'm so sorry to both dear, but the car is ready." Liz said sweetly putting her hand on my back to guide me toward the door. Thank the lord for Liz!

We hop into the car and drive to a restaurant and sit in a secluded area. I sit next to Paul with Marie and Dom on the opposite side. I order a water and look at Marie who is all on Dom, seriously i'm going to vomit.

"Ok so I would like to go get rest so can we hurry this dinner thing up so I can leave?" I ask smiling.

"Well if you had just answered the dm we wouldn't be here." Marie responded glaring at me. Paul pats my knee to calm me down and takes a sip from his drink.

"Ok well Marie we understand you want the posts taken down but they aren't causing any harm now are they?" Paul asks.

"Well if it was anyone else we wouldn't care but it's his ex." This made me put my head down and look at my nails.

"But the world doesn't know that, only us." I said trying to reason. "Listen I would like to just put that back in my past and not bring it back up, I will do everything I can but they probably won't get taken down. I'm over Dominik and want nothing to do with your guys relationship drama." 

"Well then if you want to put it in your past, why go out with him?" I was beyond uncomfortable and just wanted my bed.

"I'm going to go sit in the car and wait for you guys to talk this through." I get up grabbing my purse.

"Of course leave again, seems like you do that a lot." I heard Dom speak for the first time tonight, I look at him just nod my head.

"It's easy when you don't care about the person," I smile and walk to the car having Kevin come with him. On the walk out I take a few pics with fans and sign a couple napkins but when I hit the car I pull out my phone and go on instagram.

I wait a couple minutes before Paul walks out clearly pissed with Alex right next to him also pissed. I look around but don't see Dom and Marie but i'm not complaining. Paul enters the car and we start the drive home.

"Oh Mar, you need to start thinking before you speak dear!" Paul says shaking his head laughing a bit. "Once you left Dom looked crushed and Marie was ready to fight you." He laughs some more making me chuckle a bit. 

He told me how she started yelling and complaining about how I am a bitch and don't deserve my career, then she threatened to post a picture of me hugging a guy but in reality it was just one of my many friends. Once we get home I go to my room and fall asleep immediately, I was so done with the day and needed to sleep this headache off.


I woke up at 2 pm and headed to the indoor gym to blow off some steam. I see Kevin and Alex in the ring play fighting. I walk to the weights and just do some basic stuff. I finish the workout and take a nice long shower then go to my closet to find some clothes.

I put this on and head downstairs to see Belina, Luis, Fergal, and Demi all sitting on the couch watching tv

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I put this on and head downstairs to see Belina, Luis, Fergal, and Demi all sitting on the couch watching tv. Belina sees me and comes up to me to hug me. I hug her back then hug Demi. Belina goes back to the couch and sits on Luis's lap, I look at everyone confused and wait for an explanation as to why they are here.

"Why are you all here?" I blurt out sounding kind of rude.

"Oh I invited them to come bowl here, is that alright with you?" I blink a couple times keeping a blank face, "you know what we can go somewhere else it's-"

"No, no you're fine. You can stay." I go to answer the door after I hear a ding and open it to find Dominik. I blink again and walk away from the door letting him close and lock it. I go back to my room and lay my head down feeling weird.

After about an hour I walk out my room not realizing I had tears in my eyes until I ran into Dom.

"Woah are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asks putting his hands on my face looking at me.

"I'm fine don't worry, go make out with Marie some more!" I say moving his arms and walking away to go get my water. I go to the room that everyone was in and watch them all have fun. I listen to the music they have playing in the back and realize they are playing "Radio" by me. I hum along and then fully walk in.

"Oh hey Mar! Come to play?" Luis asked raising his hands in the air to show he was winning. I shake my head and sit on one of the couches.

"I can't risk breaking a nail, I'll watch though!" I say watching them play occasionally joking around with them. I take a photo before we finish and then walk them to the door. I said bye to them all and went to my room to make the post. Once i'm happy with it I hit post and put my phone down, I changed into my pajamas and braided my hair for the night.


xoxo.marci: you guys lucky i didn't play😍

A/N: hiiiii i'm so sorry it's been a month but iv been busy with school and stuff so i just haven't had a chance but there will be more stuff with Dom soon trust. idk if this made sense, i'm half asleep and tired so idk what i'm saying but i love u all so eat, drink, sleep, stay safe, and most importantly don't die. MWAH<3

Burning Desire :||: Dominik MysterioWhere stories live. Discover now