The meet

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September 6th 1961,
Dear diary today is my birthday. I'm turning 25 this year. Today Pierre is going to throw one of those awful gala's for me and we will finally meet Freddie's fiancé! Well I'm pretty sure they will break up in a few weeks anyway but we have to comfort that poor girl.. He will break her heart.. Pierre and me we wonder when this man will settle down and marry a woman.
Pierre is a very good man but sometimes he can get pretty annoying with all those rules and all the "are u pregnant yet?" Questions he does to me all the time. I'm getting a little bored here and I really need a friend to spend my time with.
-Veronica why are u up so late it's 4 in the morning!
Pierre's voice sounded from the bed and maked her gasp
- oh darling sorry I wasn't feeling very sleepy cause I'm excited for tomorrow so I decided to write in my diary!
She lied so he can go back to sleep and leave her alone...
-nonsense! What kind of grown up woman keeps diaries! Come to bed now and have some sleep.
Pierre said and Veronica laid next to him while he grabbed her by the waist and sleeped in her chest. She eventually slept.

By the time they woke up it was 8 o'clock in the morning. They ate breakfast and Pierre went to his office while several minutes later as Veronica was wandering in the gardens his brother Freddie came and both siblings where working in there till afternoon.
Meen while Veronica got dressed and watched the preparations of the ball room where the gala would be set.

8 o'clock all the guests arrived and everyone is enjoying the party! But Veronica and Pierre were worried cause his brother hasn't arrived yet and he was never late! Sometime later the door bell ringed again and the couple went to greet the guests. Pierre opened the door and there was Freddie and this beautiful young lady. She seemed so sweet and she was very elegant with her black hair, her brown eyes, her blue velvet dress and gloves with the pearls on her neck ears and hands. Her makeup was incredible with her beautiful smile making her face very attractive. She was also wearing a white gown that was matching her white shoes and little hand bag.
- well hello folks were here eventually sorry that we were late, the rain...U know! But anyways happy birthday my favorite sister in law here is ur gift!
Freddie said and handed Veronica a gift.
She thanked him but she was mesmerized by this lady here and before could say something more
Pierre said
- it's ok brother at least u came! So would u introduce us to ur beloved fiancé that we were hearing about?
-oh yes I forgot so Cordelia this is my brother Pierre and his wife Veronica and guys this is Cordelia!
-nice to meet u Cordelia Pierre said
-yeah nice to meet u! Veronica managed to say while she looked shocked at Cordelia.
-nice to meet u Pierre and happy birthday to u Veronica!
Cordelia seemed a bit surprised but she managed to hide it with a big warm smile

Veronica was feeling that she knew her from somewhere but she couldn't remember at all!

Both couples entered the area.
The time had past Pierre and Freddie were talking to some of their clients and Veronica was sitting in a corner with her drink looking bored.
She was wearing a beautiful black dress with white details and diamonds for jewelry. She also was wearing black heels and she had a dark makeup who matched her dark red hair and her brown eyes. She was shipping some wine but she clearly wasn't enjoying her own birthday party.
Then Cordelia walked up to her.
- oh hello Veronica whta are u doing here?
- good lord dear u scared me! Sorry I drifted away.. To be honest with u Im bored! Clearly my husband throw this party for his clients don't u think?
They laughed
-well If I look at Freddie he would definitely won't do it for me!
- are u going to marry him Cordelia?
- well can u keep a secret?
-of course dear!
-I'm pregnant!
- whaat this is wonderful does Freddie know tho?
-yes he does and that's why we will marry next month!
"Well at least now this relationship of Freddie's will be serious and he won't dump her like his other fiancés!" Veronica thought and continued talking.
-that's wonderful news I'm happy for u guys!
- and how many years u and Pierre are married?
- well I'm turning 25 this year and we got married when I was 20 so 5 years!
-oh that's good.
Then awkward silence between the two women's
Right then thankfully it was time for the cake so everyone gathered to take their piece and singed for Veronica!
Her eyes always looked for Cordelia's and when they locked eye contact u could feel the electricity between them.
They didn't talk again all night and when it was time for everyone to leave the two couples went and sit in the library next to the fire place.
It was raining heavily at the moment and there was a cozy mood listening to frank Sinatra in the vinyl player and feeling the warm of the fire.
Cordelia and Freddie were sitting in each other's arms in one sofa and at the other was Pierre and Veronica was sitting on he's lap.
The night flew by with jokes songs and lots of wine.
But both womens even if they didn't talk that much their eyes were secretly admiring one and other.
Of course and Pierre offered them to stay at their place and Freddie agreed with Cordelia.
Everyone was at their bedrooms and Veronica was afraid that her husband would want to make love which he actually did.
She couldn't deny it cause Pierre would get aggressive so she started to remove all her clothes one by one and revealed her naked body in front of her husband. Then he laid her down on the bed which was facing the door and started to go rapidly in and out Veronica. He clearly was enjoying it but she didn't actually. Then she got her mind on Cordelia and started to feel pleasure. What's wrong with me" She thought as she actually ended while thinking about that woman who had just met. Pierre also ended inside her and then he slept in her arms like a little baby.
Then was when Veronica noticed a figure peeking through the door. She immediately got up to look who was it but when she went on the hallway to look she didn't see anything. It was strange cause none of their servants disturbed them at nights so she was a little scared as she believed strongly in astrology and spirits. As she went back to her room she saw a pearl earing on the floor. She picked up and immediately thought of Cordelia. Her head was spinning from the three glasses of wine she had tonight so she just went back to sleep. But she couldn't stop thinking that there was a chance that this beautiful young woman saw her naked and doing love. That maked Veronica's head filled up with questions... Why would she do that? When? And most off all if it wasn't her who would it be? So strange..
Once again it was 4 in the morning and she couldn't sleep. So she weared her night gown with nothing under it and went for the balcony who had a swing her favorite. She brought her cigarettes too so she could relax.
to her surprise on the swing was sitting Cordelia and she was smoking.
"Wow this girl is on my mind" She though while looking at her only wearing her underwear and a tiny dress. Then Cordelia saw her and signaled he to come closer.
-wat's u doing up so late Veronica??
- I-i had no sl-sleep so I thought to come here and smoke.
-oh same! Come here sit next to me the swing fits us both.
- oh thank u.
She sat down next to her.
- Cordelia?
-do I know u from somewhere? Cause I feel I have seen u before!
- well I wanted to talk to u about that..
- what is it?
-well u know me as meryl and not as Cordelia I changed it...
- Meryl? I don't know anyone with that name!
- think Veronica it's me Meryl from high school.
- I can't remember what u taking-
Before she could end her phrase Cordelia kissed her.
" What are u doing are u crazy?" Someone would have normally react but no. Veronica stood there and mumbled under her breath
- Marie- angel..
- so u remember me! U remember the nickname u gaved me when we were in an affa- Veronica closed Cordelia's mouth with her hands and said
- don't ever say that in this house. This was a mistake years ago.
Then she let go of her and ran back to her room locking her self in there.

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