The Piano Man

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Christopher and Nate quickly stood up. "What?" They glanced at the group.

"Uh, what did he mean by that?" Christopher asked.

The group glanced at each other before looking back at the Browns, and grinned.

Christopher and Nate glanced at each other before glancing back at Matthew's friends, shifting their feet.

Tevin's grin seemed to get wider. "Want to find out?"

"Uh, is it safe?" Christopher asked.

"Is anything ever safe?" quipped Tyrone. Tevin turned to him and whacked his shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Get that long neck of yours out of the clouds."

Tyrone crossed his arms and scoffed. "Where would my long neck go if not into the clouds?" He quickly stepped back and Tevin's hand flew by his shoulder.

Phillip held up his hands and stepped between them. "Alright, you two, cut it out." He turned to the brothers and waved them towards the stage. "Let's see how good you are at the piano, then."

The tension began to fade from Christopher's shoulders. "Oh, well, if it's piano playing you want," he cracked his knuckles, "it's piano playing you will get."

Corey rubbed his hands together as the group walked to the stage. "Oh yes, this will be good."

Nate leaned towards Christopher and whispered, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Let's just play along, find out what we can. If an opportunity shows itself, We'll take it, but not before then."

Nate shot a glance at the group jumping on the stage before whispering, "If you say so."

Christopher didn't reply as he followed them onto the stage, Nate right behind him. At the far back stood an upright piano. Christopher's eyes sparkled with delight as he quickened his step. He sat down and gently ran his fingers across the keys. He let out a pleased sigh at the crisp sounds. "This is a well-tuned piano." He shot the Starr brothers a smile. "It's obviously well loved and cared for."

Tevin grinned back. "As it should. Every instrument is treated the same. It's why Matthew is such a regular."

Tyrone placed his hands on his hips. "So you know how a well-tuned piano sounds, good for you. But, how well can you play?"

Nate glanced at Christopher and grinned. "Show them."

Christopher grinned back and popped his knuckles. "You bet." He flexed his fingers, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Though he was beginning to enjoy himself, the knowledge that so many were watching him made him self-conscious. He opened his eyes, and his mind went blank. What song should he play? The words rang in his head with a haunting tone, increasing in volume with each passing second.

That is, until the words Midnight Blue Waltz flashed through his mind, with the opening notes following quickly behind. His fingers pressed each corresponding key as he played out the haunting melody. In a moment, he was losing himself in the song, and the image he always envisioned for it. A clear, starry night with a full moon casting a pale, blue light. That warm, inviting light that made him feel welcome, feel so joyful, feel ... protected, somehow. It wasn't just him, his whole family shared the image whenever the song was played. He thought back to the last time he had played it. It had been at a party Jason was throwing. His family had the image pop into their heads. But when he finished playing it, Jason was livid and forbade him from ever playing it again. He had not been the only one affected negatively by the song. Many others were raising an uproar. They all calmed down when Christopher promised never to play it again for them. But he couldn't deny that he missed hearing it, and relished this moment to play it again, to find himself in the light of that blue moon again. And like every other time, the song ended way too soon, taking that warm blue light with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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