Chapter 2: Don't touch that coral, You'll DIE!

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Very soon it was the 21st of December. At 7:00 am Apple woke up and went into the food area and made breakfast. He ate some bacon eggs and sausage, a normal breakfast on an unnormal day. After he ate that, Muggy woke up and had a drink of Pepsi Max with apple. They were watching their favourite show on the downstairs tv.

"Who knew a caravan could be this advanced?" Asked Muggy. The apple looked at her, "I did. Because I was the one who made it." Apple replied happily. Being able to watch tv while driving was nice because it was a big tv hanging up. They sat on the sofa as they drove beside the sea. Just then, Pizza woke up, and Apple put autodriver on. After that he adjusted where the tv was so that he and his friends could see it better on the sofa, ( he also moved the sofa back more near to the food area.

Pizza and Apple sat talking to each other.

"I think my pizza shop is doing really well, you know?" Pizza said to Apple. "Yeah, i ordered delivery we have to stop so we can bring it here." Replied Apple. They stopped the caravan as the pizza driver came to the location. When he arrived, he greeted his boss, "Oh, hi Chocolate, thanks for the pizza, you'll have an extra pay on your check for delivering the Pizza."

Chocolate smiled and drove away. Then they started the car up again on autopilot. They were close to the dock they needed to be at. Once they were there, Muggy pressee the Underwater driver button so that they wouldn't get killed along the way. They were finally in the sea.

For a couple hours they played Wii U and switch. After that they just chilled out upstairs in the games room with the Ps3, the board games, and another Tv to watch shows and play on the Ps3.

There were 3 tvs in the caravan, which was quite a lot. For a caravan.

After 5 hours of doing fun things, it was time for dinner. They parked the boat in the middle of the ocean. The caravan and all electronics, including phones, were waterproof, so it was fine if water came in. Thankfully the trip didn't get interupted by anything.

After dinner, it was time to go upstairs. They played on switch and went to bed. Tonight however, they put auto driver on. In the morning they were floating near the dock which would put them in greenland. Apple woke up and pressed the on land button, they bounced up and slowly, the caravan turned back into a non- submarine. The shake nearly woke everyone else up. But still only Apple was up, he switched the caravan back on to auto driver. They were two days away from the meteor shower.

It was the 22nd of December. Apple put on some battle for dream Island and relaxed. He ate a hotdog. After he had his food, he played on the Switch because of how much he loved Zelda: Breath of the wild. Pizza woke up at 10:00am and watched Bfdi with Apple.

At 12:00pm they had lunch (hamburgers), and just had a nice day. "How come the girls aren't awake?" Asked Apple. "They decided to have a girls day and watch some random shows like Kim Kardashian or something." Pizza replied.

Apple and Pizza watched bfdi season one and two, which took up about five hours of their time. "There's no better way to waste five hours watching bfdi." Said Apple.

For an entire day, the only thing the two of them did, was chill out. And then it was time to sleep. They ended up falling asleep on the sofa.

The next day, Hello to Canada!

Pizza and Apple both woke up at 6:00 in the morning. And they were in Ontario! They were here just in time on the 23rd of December. And it was a time like this that the Canadian Objects were holly and jolly everywhere they went. While Apple and Pizza parked the Caravan in a car park, there was a snowball walking along the streets. He was from here. So Apple and Pizza walked up to him with their snow clothes and scarves on. "Hi I'm apple, this is my friend Pizza, he's from Toronto. I'm from Wales." Apple said.

"Oh, your from Wales, i actually support Wrexham's football club. And oh, hello Pizza, buddy. Your from near here, so you know the way around here, right? I'm Snowball. The mayor of this town at Christmas time." Snowball replied. "If you guys need to know the way around, just ask me." He kept on. "Thanks, Snowball" Replied Apple as he shook hands with him.

Muggy and Toast came out of the caravan and met up with Pizza and apple.

"Apple, wanna come with me somewhere?" Asked Muggy. "Sure." Said apple.
"Me and Pizza are going together, we'll meet you back here at the caravan to sleep." Toast said.

And so they all went out, going to malls, movie theatres, even restaraunts! Let me tell you through how it all went for them.

How about we start with Apple and Muggy? Yes, Most definetly.
We will talk about what they did. It will be the most detailed part of the story yet.

There were bright lights everywhere they went, and there were many outdoor malls. But Muggy knew what she wanted to do with Apple. Suddenly, they walked past a cinema with posters, flickering lights surrounded one of them, it was the longest in at the moment.

Apple caught the picture of it hanging up. Mission Impossible: The humanoids
"I know what we should do!" they both said at the same time.

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